gh and Y&R rumors collide
Daytime TV

GH and YandR Rumor Mills Collide

GH and YandR Rumor Mills Collide Therefore for curing impotence and rejuvenate your sexual life, you can be certain that these years hold a lot of stress in their lives due to some mental problems such as anxiety, stress, financial worry or relationships crisis. the cheapest cialis If you: Have injured or deformed your penis […]

Cady McClain speaks out
Daytime TV

Cady McClain speaks out

Cady McClain speaks out about the folks that are hurting her feelings on her Facebook page as they are writing negative comments about her and her current character and story-line on the Young and the Restless.  She talks of the hurt and pain she is feeling and she is asking people to remember that she […]

General Hospital Spoilers
Daytime TV

General Hospital spoiler

This is a General Hospital spoiler so do not read it if you don’t want to know what happens! Okay General Hospital spoiler viewers that just can’t wait to know what is going to happen before it happens. Jake tries to get information out of Julian about who might be getting executed because Sloane is […]

Daytime TV

Young and Restless spoiler

This is a Young and Restless spoiler so do not read it if you don’t want to know what happens! Okay Young and Restless spoiler viewers that just can’t wait to know what is going to happen before it happens.  Well, everyone now knows that Yack was the guy that Victor has been meeting in […]

Daytime TV

Young and Restless Mirror Message

The Young and Restless mirror message has everyone wondering what the heck is going on.  We saw Abby run back to the cabin, ie: Abby & Austin’s love nest after Summer confronted her at the Memorial/Wake/Funeral service.  We here at The Daily Banner haven’t quite determined what that was yet. A wake is normally in […]

general hospital memorial service for Ava
Daytime TV

General Hospital Memorial for Ava

The General Hospital Memorial for Ava at Ryan’s Bar was in full swing today and there was not a dry eye in the house.  Delia Ryan’s portrayed by fan favorite Ilene Kristen has a beautiful voice and at the end of the memorial she sang “Oh Danny Boy,” to her granddaughter and you could just […]

general hospital Fluke is Luke
Daytime TV

General Hospital Fluke is Luke

General Hospital Fluke is Luke reveals has the fans yelling from the rooftops that this can’t be all that there is too it.  Why is it so hard to believe that the man that raped Laura, a woman he supposedly loved back in the day is not capable of doing dastardly things? Hasn’t there always […]