Christmas past and my sister

Christmas past and my sister

Christmas past and my sister Did you ever have a flashback or virtual type memory come out of nowhere and hit you so strong it sent you to your knees?  It was so vivid that you could actually smell the aromas and hear the audio sounds occurring in that moment? Today, while I was writing […]

David Canary and Alzheimers

David Canary and Alzheimer’s

David Canary and Alzheimer’s David Canary and Alzheimer’s are sadly connected.  It is being reported that this wonderful man died of natural causes.  It seems these natural causes may have been brought on by Alzheimer’s?  As a long time fan of All My Children and David Canary, we think this is a story that needs […]

Joey Feeks has emotional day

Joey Feek has emotional day

Joey Feek has emotional day Joey Feek has emotional day triggered by the realization that she is not going to be here to raise her daughter. She finally said the words everybody has been thinking as she has faced her reality with grace and faith.  Her husband Rory said in his blog post today that […]


Joey and Rory living in the moment

Joey and Rory living in the moment Joey and Rory are living in the moment.  They do that today by honoring their daughter Indiana and share her birth video 21 months ago.  Joey’s wish is to live long enough to see her baby turn two (2) years old on February 17, 2016. Cancer diagnosis Joey […]

Joey and Rory update

Joey and Rory Update

Joey and Rory Update: Joey & Rory: A plain wooden box built by her friend and farmhand is what she has requested.  It was delivered on Thursday to the house she grew up in.  It arrived on the same bus as her longtime friends and neighbors from Tennessee. Joey and Rory had originally planned to […]

Joey Feeks records messages

Joey Feeks records messages

Joey Feeks records messages to her baby girl Joey Feeks records messages to her baby girl making sure she can still talk to her even after she is gone.   She is recording messages in holiday books so she can still read those books to her in the future.  This is both heartbreaking and beautiful at […]

Little River Band honors Veterans

Little River Band honors Veterans

Little River Band honors Veterans Little River Band honors Veterans with ‘The Lost and the Lonely.’ This is their song that honors the troops.  On this Veterans Day LRB remembers those that have given all for us. The song, ‘The Lost and the Lonely,’ was recorded and released on Little River Bands CD, Cuts Like […]


Joey Feek Home Hospice

Joey Feek Home Hospice Home Hospice has been arranged for Joey Feek after she spent the weekend in an Indiana Hospital because of pain from her growing tumors. Last month the doctors told Joey & Rory (You can Duet Stars) that the cancer was very aggressive and that what they were currently doing wasn’t working.  […]


Nathaniel Marston update

Nathaniel Marston Update Nathaniel Marston update from his Mom today is not good.  There has been a major complication that could end the soap stars life.  This is what his mother Elizabeth posted on his Facebook page today. “Nathaniel Marston: Update Nov 08, 2015 Thank you dearest family and friends for your unfailing love, prayers […]

Soap fashion trends and white nail polish

Soap fashion trends and white nail polish

Soap fashion trends and white nail polish.  Why are the majority of the females on daytime wearing white nail polish? Soap Opera’s have historically been trend setters.  This last month, many of the female actresses on daytime have been sporting white nail polish.  Is this art imitating life or life imitating art? Many fashion trends […]