I am Greedy leaves Or Golan Open Minded
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I am Greedy leaves Or Golan Open Minded

OR GOLAN I am Greedy leaves Or Golan Open Minded Or Golan has been stuttering since the age of 3. He was diagnosed with FMF a form of arthritis that causes pain from prolonged exertion. He has always loved creating things from scratch. As a writer ,Or has written four books in Hebrew. “The Girl […]

John O’Brien’s New Single Achieves 68,000 Spotify Streams in its First Month
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John O’Brien’s New Single Achieves 68,000 Spotify Streams in its First Month

THE SPIDER’S LOVE WEB The Spider’s Love Web is spinning and streaming some remarkable results. O’Brien’s tracks have achieved over 2.5 million Spotify streams and over 500,000 YouTube views. John O’Brien, also known as “J.O.B.E.”  is a Performer, Recording Artist and Songwriter who has been passionately creating music and performing for audiences for more than four […]

American Treasure Willie Nelson is turning 89
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American Treasure Willie Nelson is turning 89

Happy Birthday Willie Nelson April 29th, 2022 Willie Hugh Nelson  was born on April 29, 1933.  He is a beloved American musician, actor, and activist. Nelson remains one of the most recognized artists in country music. We would have to say that When most people think of Willie, they think of Outlaw Country and the […]