Americans need to take a breather from relentless Trump drama
People are emotionally and mentally exhausted from the Trump presidency. That is probably Trump’s plan. After all, he has always lived his life full of chaos and confusion. This dysfunction is totally normal to Trump and his family. This is how he has always done things. He spends his time confusing and confounding situations. He turns things upside down and inside out. Things go so sideways that most normal rational and reasonable people lose their equilibrium. Lets face it, Americans are Freaking Exhausted after 17 months of Trump Presidency.
Day in and Day out
First of all, day in and day out there are so many news stories you simply can’t keep up. Trump feeds his minions through his Twitter feed. The minions turn around and flood the conservative news markets with his erroneous lies and misinformation. In essence, Trump is now running the disinformation campaign that the Russians ran during the election. If there is a deep State in our government, it is certainly being headed by Donald Trump.
Trumps Deep State
We could turn this around on him and name this whole gas-lighting stunt ‘TRUMPS DEEP STATE.” The only way to get our country back is to fight fire with fire. Donald Trump has spent a life time breaking the rules. We are not going to take our country back unless we get ahead of him. Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti has the right idea. He knows how to beat Trump at his own game. Perhaps the Democrats should get a hold of him and draft a game plan.
165 Days until the Mid Term Elections
Americans are Freaking Exhausted after 17 months of Trump Presidency
Have the people who did not vote for Trump given up on taking our country back? Is everyone just too exhausted? With only 165 days until the mid term elections, perhaps we should all agree to take 2 months off. We should turn off our televisions and get plenty of rest. Then on August 1, 2018, we should come back with a vengeance ready to take back the house and the Senate. It will then be time for not just a BLUE WAVE but a FREAKING TSUNAMI.
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