AMTW supporting Jimmie Van Zant. AMTW at 3rd & Lindsley in Nashville TN performing in support of Jimmie Van Zant. The family trio Angel Mary and the Tennessee Werewolves are performing at 3rd & Lindsley on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. The show is a benefit for Jimmie Van Zant who has been battling live cancer for almost two (2) years. The featured photo above was taken by CHAD LEE!
There will be two local shows taking place to help raise funds for Jimmie Van Zant rising medical costs associated with his cancer diagnosis and fight. Kenny Olson who previously played lead guitar with KID ROCK fame will be playing lead guitar with AMTW.
Jimmie Van Zant is cousins of the famous Van Zant family (Lynrd Skynrd.) Van Zant has made a lot of friends and fans who care about him and want to help out.
AMTW will be taking the stage at 3rd & Lindsley located at 818 3rd Avenue South, Nashville, TN. The time they are taking the stage is 8:15 p.m. If you have never been to 3rd & Lindsley, this is a great time to see a great show for a great cause. They are accepting donations at Jimmie Van Zant’s website and from there you can print out a PayPal receipt that will double as your ticket into the venue. Click here to make a donation. DONATE AND GET YOUR TICKET HERE!
Doors open at 6:00 p.m., and the acts start performing at 6:45 p.m. All star lineup: Jeff Lebar, Mike Zimmerman, Leroy, “Bluesdog” Falconi, Dee Rock, Lucas Ciliberti, Ben Rush, Billy Crain, Erica & Inga Brittingham,
8:15-9:00 p.m. Angel Mary & the Tennessee Werewolves
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9:15-10:00 p.m. The Toby Jugg Band
10:15-11:15 p.m. Swamp Da Wamp
11:30-closing Meet & Greet with Jimmie Van Zant and Zee & Jane Van Zant
Be sure to check out the silent auction being held from 6:00-10:00 p.m.
This Multi-state-multi-artist tour starts on April 15, 2015 in Music City.
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