While It’s Happening
We thought it would be fun to review the soap while it was actually airing live. With that you will get my knee jerk reactions to just about every scene unless that scene is really boring. If you like warm and cozy, you should probably stop reading now. Read on for April 28 2023 while its happening on Young and Restless.
Ashley and Tucker
So Tucker has taken Ashley up on her offer to move in. It pains me to say this but these two have chemistry. They are fun to watch. I am just hoping she stops being so incredibly cruel to him. Ashley wants Tucker to make a plan. What is he going to do with his life? In very bleak times, these two are a breath of fresh air. He is planning on seducing her 24-7. Very cute. Cut to commercial right after Jack walks in. This really isn’t how Jack needed to end his day. Sometimes being a sibling is very hard. Jack storms out of the living room and Tucker proclaims “that went well.”
Michael and Lauren
April 28 2023 while its happening on Young and Restless
Who else spent these scenes with Lauren and Michael yelling at their television? Even if Phyllis was really dead, everyone is entitled to a defense. I know that Michael and Phyllis were friends but I never thought of Lauren and Phyllis as besties. Her reaction is over the top. We can only assume that the writers are setting up Michael and Lauren for a split. Phyllis continues to hurt the people she proclaims to love. Michael tells Lauren that Jeremy is dead. Lauren, can’t you see that it is no accident that Jeremy is dead. Lauren is having a real thick head about this. She needs to believe in her husband as Michael said. A definite breakup is ahead for these two. Lauren, stop, just stop.
Summer and Daniel (Phyllis kids)
Why is it so hard for Summer’s brother to believe that their mother is alive? Daniel thinks his sister is losing her mind. It might just be that the people that love Summer will decide that she has had a breakdown. I am sensing the possibility of seeing Summer in a psychiatric ward. Summer, you need to explain in more detail what happened and how you met with your mother. Daniel, yelling “MOM IS GONE,” doesn’t make it so. Daniel, your mother is alive. Your sister is not nuts. Looks like Summer is going to keep the secret for Phyllis, at least for now.
Jack and Billy

Jack is very down and Billy does what he can to cheer him up. What a role reversal with Billy being the caregiver. Finally, the writers have the character of Billy growing up. It’s been a long time coming. Jack has started grieving Phyllis. Hey Jack, you don’t go through grief in one 10 minute segment.
In Conclusion
April 28 2023 while its happening on Young and Restless
Let me know if you like this type of article and if you were thinking and feeling the same things I was at the same time I was feeling them. It would be fun to compare. This concludes April 28 2023 while its happening on Young and Restless.
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