Attorney General what a joke Jeff Sessions needs to resign immediately

Attorney General what a joke Jeff Sessions needs to resign immediately. What the heck is going on in the White House? Has there ever been a time in United States history quite like this? Because so many of the current administration seem to have been in bed with Russia at one time or another.
In Bed with Russians
First of all, Jeff Sessions lies about whether or not he had contact with Russians. That big lie occurred during his confirmation hearings. Now, it is revealed that he also lied on his National Security Clearance forms which makes sense. If you are going to lie to congress, you need your lies to be consistent.
This is what happened via the Washington Post:
At the Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing in January, Senator Al Franken asked Sessions what he would do as Attorney General “if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign.” Sessions replied, “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.
About Jeff Sessions
In addition, Jeff Sessions has a long history of being deemed a racist. He is very southern even for his southern state of Alabama. He has the support of many white conservatives and he is loathed by more open minded reasonable people.
Jeff Sessions needs to resign
Furthermore, Sessions is an embarrassment to the United States. His appointment as Attorney General makes for a well rounded group of fools but it needs to end. It is being reported that two weeks ago, Sessions weighed in on the firing of James Comey. In fact, with his connections to Russia, he should have stayed far away from that decision. Why did the White House cite him as being a part of that decision? Do they simply not care what the optics are in this administration or do they want Sessions gone?
In conclusion
Therefore, it is time for American’s to say, we are not going to take this anymore and demand the resignation of Jeff Sessions. Do you agree it is time for Attorney General what a joke Jeff Sessions needs to resign immediately?
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