Who doesn’t want him dead?
The lunch crew at The Daily Banner was talking about this today. Who doesn’t want Charlie dead? I don’t think Gabbi wants him dead. She isn’t emotionally connected to anyone that Charlie hurt. However, if Charlie goes to Rafe’s house, that could change. The DiMera’s don’t want Charlie dead. So who is Charlie’s killer on Days of Our Lives?
John is losing it

The writers have John losing it big time over Charlie hurting his granddaughters. We must realize however that John’s recent stroke is still effecting him. Normally, he wouldn’t kill over this. With his recent outburst at Belle and Shawn’s house, we know John will be a suspect.
Ava mentioned taking care of the problem

In today’s episode Ava told Nicole, “I brought him in this world, I can take him out.” That means Ava will be a suspect. Would the law prosecute her after what her son did to her? Couldn’t she just plead temporary insanity?
Belle declared her intentions
Charlie’s killer on Days of Our Lives
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Allie’s gonna get Grandma’s gun
Allie made it clear to Claire that she “knows where Kate keeps her gun.” She think that she really could shoot him where she wanted to shoot Trip. That means that Allie will be a suspect to Charlies murder. You, the viewers have to know by now that Charlie is going to die.
Trip and Steve
Trip made it very clear to Steve that he was not going to let his brother get near Henry. Steve won’t let his son do anything foolish or alone. However, they better have alibi’s when Charlie is murdered because they will be suspects.
In conclusion
We all know Charlie is going to die. The only real question here is how long will he stay dead. With Rolf’s magic shot laying around Salem, death is just a temporary condition.
Who do you think is going to kill Charlie? Type your answer at the bottom of this article and it will get published. Check back tomorrow to see your published answer. Thanks for reading Charlie’s killer on Days of Our Lives.
Think Ava will kill her son in self defense
I think its going to be that guy Angelo.
I think it will be Sami/Stan and she won’t rember a thing
I think Nicole or ava did it
I think Ava brother or kala
Ava talks big but I don’t think she would kill her own son and I don’t think Sammy did it I think it’s going to be someone that’s in the mob
I think its sami