Is it possible for Americans to file a class action lawsuit again an individual? We all that most class action law suits are against companies. In the past we have seen such suits against tobacco companies, and drug companies. Read on for more about could Americans file Class Action lawsuit against Trump.
Four (4) areas must be met
To clarify, in order for a Class Action lawsuit to be consider, 4 areas-conditions have to be met. Rule 23(a): Numerosity, commonality, typicality and adequacy
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure, Rule 23(a) provides that an action requires four conditions to qualify for class treatment: (i) the class must be so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable, (ii) there must be questions or law or fact common to the class, (iii) the claims of the representative parties must be typical of the claims of the class, and (iv) the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class.
First, some courts have held that numerosity is usually established when there are at least 40 class members. Others have concluded that no fixed number of class members is sufficient, and that the court must consider other factors such as geographical dispersion or the nature of the action.
We all know it would not be difficult to get 40 people to join and it looks like the other conditions would be met. However, can you file a class action against an individual? Would the suit have to be filed against the Trump Organization et al: Donald J. Trump?
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In conclusion
Could Americans file Class Action lawsuit against Trump
What do you think about the possibility of filing a class action lawsuit against Trump and the Trump organization? Comment below and your comments will be published within 24 hours.
After that, take a listen to Alternative Facts. Certainly a song for the moment.
With the emotional state I was in while Trump was in charge, I have alot more than PTSD. Just hearing his voice would send me into anxiety and depression. I have never cried so much in my life let alone the 4 yrs he was in office.
Count me in!! I have ground my teeth down and wrecked my jaws with TMJ because I have been clenching my teeth for 5 years. The stress I have suffered has made my blood pressure get so high (200/120)it is classified as malignant. I am on 4 different blood pressure meds and it still is high. The fear of a civil war is pervasive. And he just won’t go away like I thought he would when he lost.
A class action suit for trauma and yes deaths due to the handling of the pandemic also sounds appropriate to me. The continued trauma of what happened on Jan 6th and continues is unsettling.
We need to do this as Americans, the assault on the Capital was an Insurrection, pushed by trump with his lust to stay in power at all costs. I really hope and pray this will happens. We can never let this happen again.
I would certainly want to be included in a class action suit. For one thing, I hate liars. I was constantly bombarded with his lies in print, on the news, and on the internet. Trump made sure to be in the news daily, and often several times a day. I was anxious that he was spreading hate. I was anxious that he was siding with Putin, instead of our government. I was embarrassed by him making the US the laughing stock of the other world leaders. I was appalled by his lack of knowledge, and the fact that he proclaimed himself to be a genius. In my 73 years, I never had thought that I would be fearful of my own president. But, Trump created fear in me and continues to do so.
While it may be legal for the people to sue trump, I doubt it would work. He seems untouchable. Besides, what would we sue him for? There is so much, of course. Finally, why give him more attention and airtime? I hope New York prosecutes him and he is found guilty.
I’d join Such a suit.
I’m in! What is it going to take?
I am usually an upbeat, positive thinking person. At the beginning of Trump’s presidency, I said let’s give him a chance. After 30 days of his childish verbal attacks on Twitter, lies everyday, his alternative truths, his apparent lack of knowledge about compassionate leadership etc etc., sadness & anxiety began to build in me. I felt hopeless as I watched Trump get away with siding with Putin & distancing himself from some of our allies. I began to feel unmotivated, more hopeless everyday. I am grateful for ‘no 2nd term’ for him but I see the remnants of his brainwashing rising up to affect the 2022 & 2024 elections. I understand this means that those of us who still believe in democracy must work twice as hard as we did leading up to the 2020 elections. Having Trump be held responsible for something, especially the role he played in encouraging his followers to storm the capital on January 6th while he & his family & others laughed as they watched the TV footage.
It would help all of us to see this guy face consequences for his words & actions!
I agree – it was such a relief when Biden won in November! Mentally, I don’t think I could have handled 4 more years of what we had. I also agree with most of the other commenters here.
OMG he stressed me out so much and my live in boyfriend is a big trumpster and that is all I heard from him. If I dared say something against trump there would be a big fight. Still that way to this day. I still suffer anxiety, stress and fear!
The first in line to sue should be his supporters . They have been in and are still lining his pockets with their good faith donations.
I AM IN!!!
The last four years ended with a pandemic. The most stressful
Time in many people lives . If the government won’t hold
Him accountable , I am willing to participate .
Let’s talk about all the relationships he has destroyed. I’d be the first to sign.
During the Trump administration, I lost sleep, my PTSD skyrocketed and I began to get night terrors. His actions/behaviors caused me to go on prescription medication for both anxiety and sleep. I felt alienated from all of human kind and feared traveling abroad due to the embarrassment his lies and attitude caused our nation.
If there is a class action suit against Trump for his Mimicking of the disabled, sign me up! Our son has been so traumatized by his downgrading of women, his vile comments, especially his rude, crude and mimicking of the disabled! Our son has Muscular Dystrophy and has suffered emotionally including anxiety and depression by the President of the United States. I laugh when he says, “Make America Great Again”. I won’t get into that, as this comment is all about the way he has treated the disabled.