Dashal Jennings talks all things Ghostbusters with Arnell Carmichael
Exclusive Interview with Arnell Carmichael of Raydio regarding all things Ghostbusters

Recently, The Daily Banner spoke to one of the original founding members of the band Raydio, Arnell Carmichael regarding all things Ghostbusters. Raydio is the band that had a major hit with the song “GHOSTBUSTERS.” Read on for Exclusive Interview with Arnell Carmichael of Raydio regarding all things Ghostbusters.
The Daily Banner asked the following questions of Arnell and here are his responses:
Q: How does it feel to hear the song “Ghostbusters,” being played on talk shows and a plethora of other places to remind people of the original Ghostbusters and the legacy of the movie and soundtrack?
A: This is amazing and exciting to say the least. That a song you sang on, did background work and some Ad lib parts continues to grow after all these years. I’m grateful and thankful I participated in the production of that song that has new life in some circles. Who You Going to Call?? Ghostbusters.
Everything old is new again
Q: Is it more exciting that this is happening not a decade later but longer than that?
A: It has at least what, four decades under its belt and now what, babies going to 10 years old hearing the song, wow! They know the song. This song is taking on New Life. That is a wonderful thing and it keeps going.
Q: We understand you guys are playing out again. Is the song making a comeback refreshing people’s memory about the band Raydio and your great songs like “You Can’t Change That,” and “Jack and Jill?”
A: Yes, oh yes.
What did you do when the first movie was released?
Exclusive Interview with Arnell Carmichael of Raydio regarding all things Ghostbusters
Q: This song must be very special to you. Can you tell us what you did when the original motion picture was released and you knew the song you recorded was the featured song on the soundtrack?
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Stranger Things
Q:Is there anywhere that stuck with you that you saw the song being used?
A: I imagine this is going through many different markets. I think the strangest thing that I saw was watching the images being celebrated in a series called “Stranger Things,” during the third season on Netflix.
Music is Life
Q: How do you feel about Ghostbusters Afterlife?
A: Now with “Afterlife,” the legacy continues. Some say the audio was greater than the movie. Music is life which is what I’m attached to.
Sony Pictures
Q: Wasn’t there Festivals created in the 1980’s in promotion of the original film and soundtrack?
A: Sony Pictures had created the Ghostbusters Festivals which we participated in. We’ve done many things having to do with the audio. I remember a great moment with the guy who did the “Monster Mash,” where we did a concert with him.
It was a Thrill
Q: What was the most thrilling thing you remember happening with Raydio and the song?
A: Another amazing moment was finding out that the song was in competition for the number Halloween song up against Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” In many of those markets “”Ghostbusters” is number one.
Q: It must feel great to be part of something that has lived in two centuries of American Pop Culture?
A: That’s a great feeling to know something that you worked on has lasted this long. But as I said, I’m so glad to be alive and can actually see it happen. Thanks to everybody involved in making Raydio Ft. Arnell Carmichael come into the forefront. See you at our shows.
Last month Raydio featuring Arnell Carmichael made an appearance on the Mike Huckabee Show. The TV show created an endearing skit featuring the original Ghostbusters song. See that video below.
In Conclusion
We enjoyed speaking to Arnell for this exclusive interview. Raydio featuring Arnell Carmichael has a new PR Agency and Booking Agency. Be looking for a lot of news about Raydio and new tour dates for Raydio in 2022 & 2023. This concludes our Exclusive Interview with Arnell Carmichael of Raydio regarding all things Ghostbusters. Follow Raydio on Facebook.
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