We have been meaning to do this for a while. Before one more day goes by this piece about the character Xander will be published so help us. In all seriousness, who hasn’t fallen in love with Xander? Read on for more about Fantastic Xander Cook Kiriakis on Days of our Lives.
Who is Xander?
The character of Xander is portrayed by actor Paul Telfer. When Xander first hit the scene The Daily Banner lunch crew knew he was special. Even when the writers were writing him as evil, the lunch crew loved him. There was always a sparkle about this character and actor. He is bigger than life when he enters a room. On top of that he has perfect comedic timing. He has brought the lunch crew to big deep belly laughs on more than one occasion.
Laughter is the best medicine
While Xander/Paul is on a soap opera, there is nothing wrong with some comedy injected to scenes now and then. Xander and Julie have funny banter. Yesterdays banter was no exception. When Julie found Xander and Gwen on her grandparents couch, Xanders response was priceless. It doesn’t hurt that the actor has a great body and looks fantastic without a shirt.
Gwen’s big defender
Xander defended Gwen when the doctor was busting her chops. They have been growing closer everyday. When he defended Gwen, the stress of his defense caused the doctor to have a heart attack. For people reading this that might have missed the episode, Xander dumped the doc in the lake weighing him down with rocks in his pockets. Of course the rocks fell out and the body emerged.
There has been physical chemistry between Xander and Gwen from day one. While Xander and Sarah fans are sad that their union has ended, the lunch crew is having a blast watching Xander and Gwen. They are kind of a match made in heaven. At this point is anybody missing Sarah and wondering where she went off too? It doesn’t seem so.
How are you feeling about the Gwen and Xander match up? Do you want to see more of this? Write your comments below and they will be approved within 24 hours. We hope you enjoyed reading about Fantastic Xander Cook Kiriakis on Days of our Lives.
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Xander is absolutely great. He is like the Sean Connery of the 21st century. I would hate to louse him on Days but he’s ready to become a movie star.