On General Hospital Brad and Rosalie are married. Can that be the big secret everybody knew about Rosalie?
The lunch crew at the Daily Banner all assume that it is an arranged marriage so does that mean that Rosalie is a mob bosses daughter? We saw Asian’s, Russians and Hispanics, Cubans and probably Italians at the meeting where Sonny blew away the Russian. Were 2 of those mob bosses Brad and Rosalie’s parents? Is this betrayal of Lucas going to pull Julian back into the mob?
How do the viewers feel about Rosalie being Brad’s wife? The lunch crew could understand it if Brad was married to an Asian woman but Rosalie is obviously not Asian. How could Brad and Rosalie’s paths not crossed when Rosalie spent so much time at the hospital with Nina?
These are the questions some die hard viewers are asking. Are you asking the very same questions? Is this just more bad writing from the EX-writing team? That is enough questions for now. We realize many Jasam viewers are still getting over their extreme nausea from today’s episode when Jake got down on his knee and gave Elizabeth the ring.

On a personal note, every chance I get, I get involved in doing something to help people and most especially children. Please visit my 27 Day Challenge for the Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and consider being one of the people cheering me on.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
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I think rosalee is sonny and lily’s daughter and the Asian mob(Brad’s family )knew this and made them get married to have leverage over sonny
I really hope that she’s not lily and sonny’s daughter, I so do not want that woman to come back at all…..if there was an Italian in that meeting then let her be that daughter…but either way this is just stupid that she’s related to brad, by marriage, and all that, that’s why rc needed to go, because he does this, with no back ground, no nothing, it’s either that or he wasn’t allowed to, and now frank knows that these two women who are coming on board have to start writing the real way, with filler or it’s curtains for gh….
personally I think that rc was the scape goat, and it should have been frank or someone else who needed to go…instead
Yes I too think Rosalie is sonny and Lilly’s daughter
I never looked at it like this Woody..I have been trying to figure out the way since I saw the show Friday.. Should be interesting
I don’t like this story line and I don’t like Rosalie! Give the fans more credit than this sotryline. Brad would have seen her around the hospital before this. Sonny doesn’t needanother child!!!!!
I have said from the first time that we knew Rosalie had a secret that it was that she was Sonny’s daughter. To make her Brad’s wife is so ridiculous.
In my opinion since she Bagan feel she’s Lily’s young sister. Their father arranged her marriage to Brad’s Asian syndicate. We will see soon.
The secret is out now. Brad and Rosealee were involved in some sort of illegal behaviour and had to get married so they could not testify against each other. Sonny and Carly got married once for the same reason. Maybe Lucas can release them from their bond and maybe not. We shall see.