General Hospital Easton exit part 2 is the Q&A Michael Easton did for his fans for their many unanswered questions. Part 1 was touching but Part 2 is even tenderer, thought provoking and gracious. He has got to me one of the most deep thinking articulate actors out there today. His fan base has started a Petition to get him back on General Hospital.
While that is circulating, a great way to help this man is to buy his books and make him the #1 author on Amazon today. Click on that link to go right to his author’s page at Amazon. Below is an excerpt of his exit interview that has been copied and quoted from his Facebook page. Like and follow him there.
Exit Interview (Part 2)
- My question to you because I am working on my own first book is how do you deal with writer’s block? Anything you can tell me about how you work past any blocks you have when creating a story would be of great help and interest to me. – Leah
The path to laying out your heart on paper is a treacherous one and your mind’s instinct is not to let it happen. You have to keep pushing open an ever-closing door. But you’re not alone. It happens to everyone. Try Stephen King’s book “On Writing” or Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art”. They helped me immensely.
- This is hoax. They’re killing Silas so they can bring back McBain right? – Kim J.
It’s not a hoax.
Would you ever consider joining Gina Tognoni on the Young & the Restless? I just can’t imagine not seeing you on TV. – Nicole
The lovely Gina Tognoni. I’m sure the line is around the block for fellas trying to get to work with her.
My questions is, would you be interested in New York Theater? — Kate
In a New York minute.
Hi Michael! Heartbroken over the news GH has let you go. Discovered you thru PC and built my own extensive ME library! Thank you for all the enjoyment you’ve given your fans through your body of work. In a perfect world, what do you want to do next? — Lori
For the time being, build sand castles on the beach with my kids.
If you could have written the exit of either of your characters, what would be your ideal goodbye? – Sue
Perhaps something a little more uplifting. Three of My three favorite endings are, “Dead Poets Society”, “Brubaker” and “An Officer and a Gentlemen” so that might give you some idea how I’d like to have gone out.
It’s like they don’t care anymore what we want to see. Well off goes my TV. And I’m starting a petition for others to do the same. It seems like low ratings are the only way the network listens anymore. — Valerie
I appreciate the gesture and the desire to want to have your voice heard but I really don’t want that. I have too much respect for the show to encourage anything that would affect viewership. I truly want to see GH run for another fifty years.
As a long time GH fan I got to know a lot of the fans that came over from OLTL on the message boards and was really surprised to learn that they were really nice and as dedicated to their show as we are to ours. Do the actors realize just how loyal the fans are to them?
I know my fans are the coolest.
I just wanted to know if you were in any type of negotiation with another soap opera on any of the other networks? – Lisa
I’m in negotiations with my wife right now for me to cook dinner more often.
I’m sorry to see you go Michael but it’s been a great run. Is it true you were originally only signed on for a ten week arc as Caleb on Port Charles and that led to OLTL and then GH? — Jaxon
That is true and before I go I’d like to extend my gratitude to Mark Teschner, (ABC Casting) for getting me into this mess with a single phone call fourteen years ago.
- On the heels of Tony Geary (a legend) leaving, they’re getting rid of arguably their most popular actor (you). I see what the network is up to, they’re allowing TPTB to run the show into the ground so they can justify cancelling it. Safe to say? – Tammi Jo
The people that make all these decisions know a lot more about the business than I and if the moves they are making bring in more viewers then I’m all for it.
- Any last words for the fans? – Mary V.
I’d wish I could buy you all a drink.
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- So let me get this straight. Ten weeks of record low rating and they let go of an actor who had virtually zero storyline during that time, in a sense one of the actors LEAST responsible for people not tuning in. And in doing so further alienate the OLTL fans who came over (at least six I know are going to stop watching now) and played an intricate role in boosting our ratings. I understand now why they fired the writer but it amazes me there are people on the boards that think this is actually going to help. I guess I just wanted you to know that not all of us are drinking the Kool Aid. — Edie
I’ve done this a long time and it’s all good. I believe in the show and I just wish I could have contributed more.
- I wanted to say thank you. You encouraged your fans to donate to the The Red Cross during Hurricane Sandy and you said you would send something to every one of us that did. I donated Five dollars — all I could afford — and you sent me a signed copy of your sixty-dollar “Soul Stealer” book. Very classy. — Dawn
The fact that you gave is all that matters, not how much. Hope you enjoyed the book.
- Yours and Kelly’s love scene (so hot) was the top rated show of the Cartini regime to that point. Then they put you in that awful Nina Story line. Do these guys understand what they did to you? — Bea
I can’t speak for them. As for that episode, I’m sure any love scene with the amazing Kelly Monaco is going to be popular with the fans.
- This is the end of an era Michael. I started watching you on Port Charles, followed you to One Life To Live and then to General Hospital but when you go so do I. — June
Thank you for your loyalty June but I hope you keep watching.
- Michael your performances are always so subtly good anddaytime acting is getting crazier and crazier. I think you should go back to nighttimetelevision. I really liked you on “Ally McBeal” and “Total Recall”. — Vicki
Thank you for the suggestion, I think I’ll look into that.
- Please tell me we’ll see John McBain again before you go. — Suzy
Actually John returns and kills Silas in a steel cage death match. (I made that up)
- I was at the GH fan event three years ago and I don’t think I ever saw an actor get a bigger ovation than you received when you came out. How does something so good go bad in that time?
I guess everything ends a little badly or else it wouldn’t end. That was a wonderful greeting and I’ll never forget how kind the fans were to me.
- Any good memories of your time at GH? Favorite actors you worked with there? Story lines? — Julie
I’ll take away many fond memories. The whole cast is top flight and it’s hard to single people out as I’ll just be forgetting someone. If pressed I would say I liked initially coming on the show and how they made John McBain, Anna’s protégé. Finola brings class to everything she does and I was very fond of working with her. It was pleasure working with Kelly, Steve, Tony, Maurice and Tristan in that story as well. Dom was a cool partner to have in my short time with the PCPD.
- Michael, I can’t see you out of work long. Beautiful man. Great actor. Hugely popular with the fans who have proven they’ll follow you anywhere. What are you looking for next? — Maria
That’s very nice of you. I wish I had a more specific answer. The best analogy I have is, when you surf you’re always travelling up and down the coast looking for that perfect wave. As an actor I think it’s much the same. Trying to find that right part. That great story line.
- I’m so sad. I hurt for you. Please tell us how you’re feeling. — Rhonda
Please cheer up, Rhonda. I may not have a job at the moment but I have perspective on this. I love my wife. I have two beautiful Children. If I may borrow from Lou Gehrig, “I’m the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”
With love and appreciation…
Michael Easton 2015
Go to his Facebook page to read the entire Exit interview. The Daily Banner lunch crew does not think that Michael will be out of work long. He is far too good to not be seen again.
I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles. I will keep writing as long as you keep reading. We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
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Disclaimer: Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.
Michael, thank you so much for being so much fun at your fan event this weekend. I have watched you since Mutant X and was so happy you came to my favorite soap GH. I’m very unhappy with the decision they made, it makes in ow sense at all. I’m sad. Thank for the photo shoot at the event.
Thanks for your hard work! I have been watching soaps just about the same amount of time you have! I agree with most of your opinions, Thanks Donna, from another fan with the same 1st name!
I just want to tell you are one classy respectfully man to your fans, I was at Super Soap Weekend n Orlando with my daughters and you were walking around inbetween shows and signings. We were standing buying a soda and you were standing there . My daughters were star struck seeing you right next to us we didn’t think it was right to bother you at that moment but,you started talking to us and even offered to buy us a drink. You made our day,we will never forget how wonderful it was talking to you. Thank you we miss you and wish you the best of everything in life and hope to see you back on our screen soon. Good luck whatever you decide o do.
GH needs to bring him back!!
please plese go back. gh wake up. we mill you michael. we are not watching gh anymore until your back. you got a raw deal!!!