While It Was Happening
We thought it would be fun to review the soap while it was actually airing live. With that you will get my knee jerk reactions to just about every scene unless that scene is really boring. If you like warm and cozy, you should probably stop reading now. General Hospital is going there. They are going with a VIRUS!! Read on about General Hospital while it’s happening on first day of May 2023.
Holly and Anna
General Hospital while it’s happening on first day of May 2023

So Holly is visiting Anna in the hospital and Anna ex-boyfriend Andre comes in to visit. Andre tells Anna and Holly that he has nothing on Victor now but he has dossier for the original weather debacle from 40 years ago. Holly says, “we can neither confirm nor deny a rescue mission or not.” Anna tells Jordan that she believes that Victor is searching for a weapon of mass destruction. I don’t know about you, but I am having trouble with the lack of acting skills Holly has brought to the screen. Perhaps not working for a while has made her rusty? Holly uses a drug to knock Scotty out. So now what??? They have a hostage in a hospital room? Anna is ripping out her IV, putting on her boots and heading out with Robert and Holly.
Carly is being questioned
Carly is being questions in the questionable summer floral dress she wore to her sons wedding. We don’t really understand that but we will talk about it later. Looks like the feds might want Drew more than they Carly.
Dex feels cornered by Brick. Brick might be onto Dex. Brick wants to know about the shooting or execution attempt on Sonny. Dex has the goods on Sonny. Will Michael act on it?
Scotty was finally on an episode on Friday. Scotty is wondering why Trina is with the Cassadines? Scotty wants to know why Porsha is at the hospital and not at home. They are both scared for their loved ones. Scotty knows that he has been kept in the dark. He also realizes that all of this is connected to Luke Spencer’s death. Yes Scotty, Curtis is with them as well.
Joss declares her mother innocent when the Police Commissioner Jordan tells her we have far more important things to worry about in Port Charles.
Sonny finds himself in the middle of Carly’s mess. While is he involving himself in this? The Sonny and Carly starring at each other might be more than some can stomach at this point. Sonny threw the SEC off of Drew’s scent. Sonny wants to know what is in the shipment. What is bigger than guns Sonny? They are transporting explosives and Sonny had no idea. Pretty funny that a man named Brick found the BRICKS of EXPLOSIVES. Sonny is going to let them conclude their deal with explosives as long as he gets info on who tried to kill him.
Crew after Victor
Hey Drew, you have to stay safe so you can go home and get arrested. Laura says that “Helena liked her curses.” Laura is very aware that Victor will know that his son didn’t come alone.
Victor and Liesl
General Hospital while it’s happening on first day of May 2023
Victor is taunting Lisle about Willow not having much time left. Liesl says “what an intriguing turn of events.” Victor and Valentin are going to reunite and it won’t feel so good. Victor is going to test the virus on his own son. Would he really do that?
Michael and Willow
Michael accuses Ned of sending the SEC after Drew. Michael still wants to hate Sonny when Willow wants her to forgive. Is Michael going to go ahead and bring Sonny down?
Martin and Nina
Martin and Nina meet and Nina asked Martin to call it off. Now he has to tell her it’s too late. Both Martin and Nina are shocked the SEC worked so quickly. Carly is going to face some sort of investigation. Martin tries to make Nina feel better by saying that she did not wrong. All she did was report a crime.
In Conclusion
General Hospital while it’s happening on first day of May 2023
There are several domino’s waiting to fall here. Michael going after Sonny. Sonny and everyone finding out Nina sent the SEC after Carly and Drew. Drew is trying to save Nina’s daughters life and if he gets arrested, he won’t be able to do that. The writers at GH are doing a great job setting this all up. Were you feeling the same thing I was at the same time I was feeling them? It would be fun to compare.
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