Glenn Shorrock Rise Again Not So Much CD Review

Most new music by old rockers tend to peak my interest. I usually enjoy seeking how they have gotten along as the years travel by. Usually that is with both grace and an improvement in musical ability and songwriting skills. This new album by Glenn Shorrock is bitterly disappointing. His voice has lost the quality that made him great and his material sounds like someone put dated music into a blender with a new producer and it spit out the juice that is this album.
”Hear My Voice”
This tune is narcissistic and bitter. It is obvious that the singer has issues that he needs to deal with. The whole thing comes off as bad blood.
“The Wood and the Wire”
This song is okay for what it is, but the lyrical whit that once was the heart and soul of Shorrock seems to have gotten lost in the mix.
“Rise Again”
Shorrock’s signature voice seems like a memory and what we are left with here is a weak resonant shell of his former self vocally speaking.
“Emperors Clothes”
From the title I wasn’t sure what to expect. It is a clever idea that seems to have gotten lost in the need for revenge.
“Stick Up Your Finger”
Not a bad melody and the lyrical content are a bit understated. There is a message here that once again seems to get lost on the average listener.
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“Slice of Heaven”
I wanted to like this song, but it just sounds too dated and forced.
“Make a Difference”
This song once again manages to get my interest only to let me down. It is a shame that his voice has not aged as well as others from the same time period.
”Candlelight Moon”
This is an obvious sad song. It certainly does hit the mark on that. It might be the highlight of the CD, and that is sad.
“Blissful Oblivion”
Melodically and musically this is the strongest tune on the release.
Glenn Shorrock Rise Again Not So Much CD Review
Glenn Shorrock Rise Again Not So Much CD Review In Conclusion:
Maybe this disappointment comes from simply expecting too much given the man’s history in the music business. Maybe it is just a case of someone over indulging in his whims and fantasies of past glory. No matter the reasons this is one CD that I could not recommend being added to anyone’s play list. Shorrock’s hard core fans may find it decent or at least make a pity purchase in memory of what was once a great artist. This might be someone’s cup of tea, but if it was the only tea available order me a cup of coffee.
This music critic is unfortunately forced to give this CD a 1 Star out of 5.
I agree 100% with this reviewer. I was looking forward to this album from Mr. Shorrock for many years. It is such a disappointment. Probably the worst album I’ve heard this year.