The Daily Banner lunch crew is still shocked about Friday’s show. What is wrong with that women? Wiley ratted on her when she told him Willow wasn’t his Mother. What makes her think he won’t talk about Grandpa? Read on for more about Has Nina no common sense or maternal instincts.
We could almost hear the grandmothers screaming at their televisions on Friday afternoon when Nina went on and on to Wiley. What is wrong with that women?
- Michael could have walked in;
- Wiley can talk and has already told on her;
- Carly is always walking in on Nina;
So Nina promises not to talk about Willow and Nell to Wiley. Instead she sits there and talks about how she has seen and been with his grandfather. She has brought back Sonny’s sauce. Now we know that there are 2 jars of Sonny’s sauce in Port Charles.
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The Lunch Crew
The Daily Banner lunch crews watch the soaps everyday. Different people get to see different soaps during lunch break. We could hear the yelling across the building when Nina started her confessions to Wiley. It was really bizarre. Why would the writers even write this unless they want us to think she is crazy AGAIN?
Valentin is not at all shy about saying what he feels. Another shocking statement on General Hospital Friday was Valentin telling Nina he wishes Bailey Lois was theirs’s. Somebody needs to tell Valentin that the character of Nina’s eggs dried up about 10 years ago.
In Conclusion
Has Nina no common sense or maternal instincts
How did you feel about what Nina said to her grandson? Would you let her see him if you were his parent? Tell us how you feel by posting in the comments section below. We hope you enjoyed reading Has Nina no common sense or maternal instincts.
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I was shocked. I thought how stupid of her. Wiley blabbed about willow not being her mother. Of course he’s going to blab about Sonny. What’s wrong with Nina. No, I would not let her see my kid, after this crap.