Where did those Twenty years go?
As the clock was striking Midnight heading into July 10, 2018, we wished each other a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and talked about how fast 20 years have flown by. You know they say when you make a living at doing something you love, you never work a day in your life. The same thing goes for marriage. When you marry someone that is right for you, really right for you, the time really does fly by when you are having fun. So how do you celebrate twenty years of marriage when battling cancer? We have been documenting our journey at our website. You can keep up with us here.
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The first 5 years flew right by us
WE knew the first 5 years of our marriage flew by. In fact, we used to talk about how much living we were cramming into so few years. During our first 5 years together, we found a place to live on Long Island together. I moved in while Greg went back to Michigan to get his possessions and move them all the way down to Long Island. After a year together on the Island, my health issues focused us on a move to a dryer climate. We wanted to pursue our songwriting professionally and we wrote mostly in the genre of country music, but we didn’t know anybody in Nashville.
Move to Northern Georgia
Because of that, we decided to move to Northern Georgia close to where my sister lived. We started commuting back and forth from Northern Georgia almost every weekend networking. That trip took 4 and 1/2 hours one way. Sometimes we actually did it in day trips leaving around 9 in the morning and getting home at 1 or 2 a.m. the next morning. Greg worked full time in retail management and gigged in various different bands on weekends. During week nights, we wrote and demo’d songs.
On the go and then some
WE were always on the go, there was never a dull moment and we loved every minute of it. When we planned to get married 20 years ago, we tried to pick a date that was good for loved ones attendance. Many had conflicts so we had to make a decision that if we wanted to be married quickly, we would have to do it in a very private way. My daughter and her then boyfriend stood up for us. It was just us, them and the Mayor of Patchogue, New York who married us.
We have always done things our way. Months before I knew when we were getting married, I had purchased tickets to a Billy Ray Cyrus concert in PA. That concert fell during our honeymoon week so off we went to a Billy Ray Concert during our honeymoon. Yes, my brand new husband shared his brand new wife with Billy Ray on his honeymoon. If I didn’t know for sure that he was the man for me, forever, I surely knew it during our honeymoon.
Our 20th Anniversary
So how does a couple who’s husband is battling cancer celebrate a 20th Wedding Anniversary. Well, Greg had a rough time on the 4th of July. We didn’t get to see fireworks this year. Oh yeah, we tried but we had to drive home before the Fireworks started because Greg got sick. We believe we know why he got sick but I really don’t want to explain it all here. The vomiting lasted until about 2:00 a.m. and he was weak the next day but felt better in 2 days. To make a long story short, it was probably a negative reaction to medication.
Two days before our Anniversary
How do you celebrate twenty years of marriage when battling cancer
Two days before our Anniversary Greg sat outside in the heat and sun and that seemed to cause and adverse reaction. He has now been off all medications other than the regular ones that he has been taking since his stroke so that reaction (feeling weak) was surprising and a bit frightening. I decided he needed a few more days of resting. He didn’t want me to have to cook on our Anniversary so I went and picked up Subway for lunch. Then for dinner, we called in a CAR SIDE TO GO from Applebee’s and actually had a nice dinner I didn’t have to cook at home. It was peaceful, calm and we didn’t have any medical emergencies so it was considered a GIFT FROM GOD and a successful Anniversary celebration. That’s how you do it when you are battling cancer. More about our love story below.
Songwriting brought us together
We got together through songwriting and ironically, our song was a song that wasn’t by us. It was a Savage Garden tune called, “Truly, Madly, Deeply.” That song really captured our courtship, the passion and the love during that time shortly before our marriage. I have always been and remain in awe of my husbands mind and the way it works. He is one of the most brilliant and witty people I have ever known. Hubby is also one of the most talented. He plays several different instruments, can create chord patterns for songs just by me humming a melody to him and his vocals as in singing are wonderful, beautiful and sexy.
The first time I heard him sing was “THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST” He wrote this song, he played all the instruments on this song and he recorded this song. All the vocals you hear on this song are done by him. Yes, he does his own harmonies.
I had never met anybody so talented and I fell head over heels in love with this man. We have been together for 22 years in total and now we have celebrated 20 years together. Gregory Wilson, I loved you then, I love you know and I will love you forever. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABY! Let’s keep fighting this cancer so we can have more of these Anniversaries together.
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