I was Sexually Assaulted by a man like Trump and Weinstein and this is my story

I was sexually assaulted by a man like Trump and Weinstein in the mid 1980’s. This man was by boss. My assaulter had plenty of money, and was well known and respected in his field. It left a mark on me that scarred me for life. This is my story. I was Sexually Assaulted by a man like Trump and Weinstein and this is my story.
Long Island, New York
First of all, I was hired by an attorney. This attorney told me he was going to make me an expert in Real Property Law in New York, most especially Suffolk County. His lessons began and before I knew it, I was helping to close multi-million dollar deals. As a result things were great or so I thought.
White wine lunches
At only 23 year old, this was a brand new world for me. I was going to Bar Association and Chamber of Commerce meetings. In addition, I was having white wine lunches and partying with Judges and Attorneys in the area.
Windows of the world
This attorney was well respected and revered in his business world. Most people thought he was a great guy. I know I did when I first met him. In fact, I felt I owed him for giving me such a great opportunity. This man took me to a fancy dinner at “Windows of the World,” the restaurant on the 107th floor of the Northern Tower of the Twin Towers.
Carriage ride through Central Park
After dinner he flagged down a horse and carriage and took me on a carriage ride through Central Park. He treated me like a princess but I never thought of this man as my prince. I did think of him as a mentor.
Dates disguised as business functions
Any of the above outings I referenced were always built around or disguised as business meetings, events, tasks. For instance, the outing into Manhattan happened because he insisted we had to physically file papers at 100 Centre Street for a case he was handling. I never did find out of that was the truth.
Boss and Mentor becomes my landlord
During this time I separated from my husband for several different reasons that had nothing to do with my boss. However, he did encourage me to separate. Additionally, he offered me a wing in his over sized house for me and my daughter.
A Company Car
He further endeared himself to me and made himself indispensable to me by giving me a car to use. My car had broken down and needed more money than I had to fix it.
Enter Sexual Harassment
One night after putting my daughter to bed, we were having a glass of wine in the formal living room. This living room had a portrait of my boss hanging over the marble fireplace. (That portrait is embedded here.) When I tried to excuse myself to retire for the evening he pushed me down on the couch and laid on top of me. I was 105 lbs and he was over 200 lbs and towered over my 5’2’’ frame.
Sexual assault
He forced his tongue into my mouth and I pushed it out and pulled my face away. I slithered out from underneath him, stood up with my hands on my hips and said, “What the hell was that?” He said, “You know we are going to end up in my bed.” My response was, “no we won’t and please don’t do that again.” I headed up the stairs and he was right behind me. His bedroom was not far down the hallway at the top of the stairs and he picked me up and carried me with my feet kicking into the air right into his bedroom. He literally tossed me on the bed.
I was thinking that my child was in the bedroom right down the other hallway and I didn’t’ want to scream and wake her up to this nightmare. I had to protect my child. That moment of considering my child gave him the moment he needed to climb on top of me. I just couldn’t believe that this was happening and that this man that I had trusted, looked up to and respected was doing this to me.
I started punching his shoulders and pushing him away as he kept grabbing my face and trying to make me kiss him. He was grabbing my breast with the other hand and trying to force his knee between my legs. Did I mention that this man was in his mid-fifties and I was 23 while this was happening?
Sex or you’re Fired
I was not in any way attracted to this man and had never done anything to lead him to believe that I was. He took advantage of my respect and trust in him and my marital and emotional situation to try and get what he wanted.
Back in his bedroom I started crying when he was trying to force himself on me. I once again wiggled away from him, this time in tears and fled his bedroom. He didn’t come after me. That was a Sunday night.
Monday was my last day
The next day was Monday and things were tense in the office. I had not seen him since I escaped his clutches the night before. We had a sit down contract signing for a multi-million dollar deal scheduled and it went quite well. We were both pretty happy about how it went.
After the meeting, I felt myself being pushed up against the wall. He looked me right in the eye and told me that I had to have sex with him or I was fired. My response was, “You can’t fire me because I quit.” That must have caught him off guard because he stepped back and I left and went into my office.
The right decision
I began packing up my things and the phone starts ringing. I was pretty upset and the client could tell. He asked what was wrong and I told him I just quit. He asked if “Alan was up to his old tricks again?” I said well if you mean trying to make me have sex with him, yes. He let me know that he had heard this kind of thing before from other assistants. That conversation cemented the fact I had made the right decision to quit.
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The similarities between Trump, Weinstein and men like Alan
Donald Trump lives in a world of days gone by which is illustrated in his terminology. He uses words like “Ghetto,” when referring to inner cities. He thinks it is okay to do things like this because he is entitled. Trump truly thinks there is nothing wrong with it. Entitlement and being perverts seem to be a common thread.
Sex and politics
Even though Sexual Harassment has been on the books since the mid 1970’s, it didn’t get any real attention until the 1990’s with Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas.
Politics brought it to the forefront then and it looks like it is bringing it back to forefront now. Finally, Hollywood is finally starting to air it’s dirty laundry.
Talking about being sexually abused or assaulted
I had only told a few people about what happened to me because it was hard to talk about and embarrassing. My sexual predator Alan Brand, Esq. He was a control freak narcissist that took what he wanted when he wanted. Alan felt he was entitled to it because of his money and his title.
I was Sexually Assaulted by a man like Trump and Weinstein and this is my story
The only difference between these three men is that Trump and Weinstein are much richer and held dare I say an even grander feeling of entitlement than Alan.
I decided to talk about this because it is time simply time. Things won’t change unless we talk about this. I certainly know why Trumps/Weinstein accusers/victims have come forward now.
Death on a plane
This story didn’t have a happy ending for my sexual predator. Alan hadn’t been feeling well. Thinking it was stress, he decided to take a vacation. Upon boarding the plane he discovered that someone else that had been accusing him of sexual abuse was on the plane with him. He had a heart attack and died in mid air on the way to Disney World in Florida. That was just 6 months after I quit.
In Conclusion
Hence, this awful experience changed me forever. Consequently, it is something that stays with you. As a result it makes you question your value and self-worth. For all the women out there that have been sexually harassed and assaulted, don’t let anyone tell you that it is okay. It is not and it has to stop.
Report it immediately
Most of all, if you are experiencing this at your place of work report it immediately.
Most Newsworthy is update on Trump sexual harassment claim.

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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years living, loving and writing. Like her on Facebook
Disclaimer: Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the sponsors, advertisers or this publication.
Donna, you’re a beautiful lady with a heart of gold. I am so sorry you had to go through a ordeal like this. Thank you for sharing your story for the world to see… and maybe..just maybe other victims can see this…