To Call witnesses or not to call witnesses?

I am going to start by saying this is an editorial piece. I mean what else can it be? First of all, the simple fact is you can’t have a trial without having witnesses. Secondly, a trial without witnesses is simply a hearing. My 16 years in law informs me of that statement in fact. Read on for more about Impeachment Trial without witnesses is a hearing.
A Trial
What is the definition of trial?
In law, a trial is a coming together of parties to a dispute, to present information (in the form of evidence) in a tribunal, a formal setting with the authority to adjudicate claims or disputes.
Normally, some of the evidence is presented by witnesses. These are the witness that should be called:
- Law makers who were hiding under desks locked in offices;
- Rioters arrested for storming the Capitol under the direction of Trump;
- People who were with Trump one hour before his call to action as this rally;
- Witnesses who were with Trump in the White House while he watched in glee as the Capitol was attacked.
- Election officials from the State of Georgia who Trump tried to strong arm into changing votes.
Before election day
It is a fact that by tweet and video proof, Trump told everyone this: “If I lose the election, it’s rigged.” The audacity of this man who thought he couldn’t lose the election. Likewise, he seemingly set the ground work for his rigging claims.
Messing with the US Postal Service
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Election tampering
If anybody tampered with an election it was Trump. He repeatedly tried to over turn the election results in Georgia. Ultimately, Biden won Georgia 3 times verified by repeated vote counts. Trump unsuccessfully bullied the election officials in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Michigan. His legal teams lost over 60 lawsuits trying to over turn the results.
Mike Pence became sacrificial lamb
Pence was aware of what he could and couldn’t do but Trump led his supporters to believe Mike held all the cards. He kept repeating, “Mike can stop this.” Pence could not stop it. The counting of the electoral college was just a ceremonial event. The election was technically over in December when each state certified their results. Trumped needed someone to blame and Pence was it.
Impeachment Trial without witnesses is a hearing
In conclusion, this was a fair and legal election. Joe Biden is the legitimate President. Something that could never really have been said about Trumps election because of Russia.
To sum it up, what we want to know is will you be watching the Impeachment trial tomorrow? Do you think he is guilty? Do you think they should have witnesses? We will post your response under this article.
If we do not hold presidents accountable for crimes committed in office, it sets up a dangerous precedent for elected officials in the future. They will assume that any criminal act will be accepted.
I agree that a trial should have witnesses, otherwise it is only a hearing. You could also add depositions. Maybe Lindsey Graham has a point in saying, if trump is guilty of a crime he should be tried in a court of law. I think he is guilty of many crimes.