Feedback on the episode that aired on September 22nd, 2021 has been dubbed “boring.” Many viewers have called it boring. What were the writer trying to accomplish with this episode. The viewers love Jack. They have been feeling his pain and loneliness. Why confuse that with this episode? Keep reading for more about Jacks dream sequence episode on Young and Restless bores the masses.
Peter is a terrific actor and a fan favorite. The character of Jack has endured since his screen mother’s death. On top of that, he discovered he was a grandfather, bonded with his grandson and lost him all in a matter of 2 months. During that time, Jack was toying with the idea of getting himself a new Phyllis in the younger model and version Sally. Everyone knew Jack’s interest in Sally was because she reminded him of Phyllis when Phyllis was younger. Most people still think of Phyllis as young because she is immature. However, Phyllis is a grandmother with a granddaughter named Lucy who is sure to come to Genoa City in a year or two being a 16 year old.
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The Lunch Crew at the Daily Banner know that with both Nick and Phyllis having this information, a crack will form in the center of their relationship. That crack will let distrust, disloyalty and discomfort in their relationship occur. Did it get past anybody reading this that Nick referenced Sharon when discussing with Jack the great loves of their lives. Nick didn’t reference Phyllis, he referenced Sharon.
That should give everyone a big hint about where these story lines are heading. Are you ready, and willing to see a Nick and Sharon reunion? How about a Jack and Phyllis reunion? Will The Young and Restless let any couples be together like they have Nikki and Victor?
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