Jeff Lord needs to take a permanent break from CNN appearances
Jeff Lord needs to take a permanent break from CNN appearances. The Daily doesn’t know anybody that enjoys Jeff Lord’s commentary’s on CNN.
Ridiculous excuses
Lord spends all his time on CNN making ridiculous excuses for the behavior of Donald Trump. Some of the reasoning he spouts is just as over the top as Trumps behavior itself.
CNN pull the plug
This is a plea from the viewers for CNN to stop inviting Lord on the show and while they are at it, remove Kayleigh McEnany as well.
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He is a propagandist. He wouldn’t and couldn’t be a true news reporter because of that. He’s a disgrace
Would love never to see him again. Jack Kingston is another one and for whatever it matters, the election is over. I am so sick of the excuses they make for trump. It insults my intelligence. Kingston made the mistake of going on the Bill Maher show. Foolish man. He was neutred.
He is nothing more than the male version of Kelly Anne Conway! Just another “puppet” of Trumps. He needs to go to Fox news where he can lie and that audience wants to hear it. We do NOT!
I think he should go along with Kellyanne! They are not being objective and unfortunately making no sense to #45’s craziness! You need some new blood! Actually I think you are losing viewers because of them. They served their purpose but the election is over❤🇺🇸
I can’t stand to hear you speak. You are a racist bigot. You hail Reagan as a great patriot…Reagan was a man who promoted trickle down economics which hurt the middle class and the poor. His agenda forever proved that giving to the rich only promotes the rich… He was an idiot who couldn’t find a cogent sentence if he tried. You consistently turn history for your own purposes …STOP being such a dick..if you knew history you would know that democrats in the 19th century killed blacks..they lynched blacks…they promoted stopping reconstruction…Andrew Jackson was a murderer…he authored the “Trail of Tears”, he was not a hero…he was a murdering piece of shit..he stole lands and killed…yet you compare him to 45…like that is a feather in 45’s cap…you sir are a piece of racist shit..republicans now are out for themselves…these are not the republicans of the Lincoln era…they are only thinking of greed and not patriotism..I think you are being paid to be an obvious shill for promoting what has always been a blight on our society…blatant racism and greed…You sir, are a piece of shit.
Jeff Lord will always manipulate the conversation to the Republican talking point even if facts do not bear him out. Why must we be assaulted with unfactual nonsense. We need truthful communication now more than ever.
Jeff Lord does not represent true and analytical journalism.
Jeffrey Lord is a partisan GOP fool who execuses away everything said by #45. Too dangerous, not thoughtful or has anything to add, CNN. So not tap this man for his opinions, he is not worthy of the time you allow him!
If Lord or Kayleigh are on any of the panels, I switch over to MSNBC. I will not listen to such idiocy.
This guy is nothing more than an apologist for all of 45’s bizarre behavior, policy-by-tweet (discoverable, by the way), intolerance & hate speech. He never has anything insightful, reliable, or accurate to say; simply, canned, repetitive, feeble defenses for the Repub’s, 45 & likely treasonous conduct by this administration. I understand the value of opposing views; however, they need to be articulated intelligently.
I can’t stand him. It became even worse watching him on Bill Mayer but Bill handled him and made him squirm. CNN has got to find more republicans like Ana Navarro.
You’re just a Trump whore…..no honor or self respect….too bad, you seem like a nice guy!!!!!
Please quit giving voice to his rediculas propaganda.
WE need a break from him!
Folks always comment on what a ‘nice guy’ he is, and he may be pleasant enough, love his mother and not kick his dog and all, but he is SO obnoxious in his defense of all things trump as to make him totally unbelievable as well. I have never heard him disagree or say anything negative about the shenanigans going on with this campaign/administration/family, and there is plenty of ‘there’ there, so he has no credibility with me. Jeff should just go to fox or breitbart with the other fake news, he is giving CNN a bad name.
Cannot stand him. He is not a Journalist. I turn off CNN when Lord, Kellyanne or Kayleigh are on. MSNBC is now my go to Cable station. Just don’t need the aggravation. Prefer real Journalists and not wannabes.
I no longer watch CNN because of the “surrogates” I hate Lord, Kayleigh McEnany and all trump liars.
kayleigh is another annoying Conway ‘alternative’ Trump parrot.
Let’s not forget Katrina Pierson. One of the originals.
I turn the channel every time he’s on any show. I’m so sick of his treasonist, propoganda lies and excuses. I don’t get why so much crap gets air time!!!
Disingenuous and pompous. Don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. Get rid of him.
I watch CNN all the time, we’ll only when he’s not on, no substance at all just excuses for anything and everything that’s been going on in the news lately… He really needs to go .. I do not see the point of him being on honestly …
We must demand a return to journalism and ethical reporting. The 24 hour a day redundancy of lies and bad news has divided our nation in a dangerous way. Mr. Lord is a part of the problem and unless CNN removes him, CNN is part of the problem. I am working to stop the proliferation of propaganda and to educate Americans to think critically and stop being manipulated to hate and continue divisiveness!
I am sick and tired of CNN promoting anything positive about trump. He is a danger to us and his agenda is not in our best interests. The news is supposed to be reporting on all the dangerous bills that are being passed and how we the people need to be informed and the only thing CNN can do is argue and tell us things that are irrelevant to what we need to know. Quit siding with trump we already have fox for that.
He can just go away
Until this nightmare ends and our nation has recovered from the damage done, I do not want to see your face, hear your voice, or be reminded that you are comfortably sitting around while others suffer the effects for your treasonous behavior. Just go away.
Just go away
We really don’t need to hear from flat out apologists for the “Other side”; of which he is one. At this point there isn’t a viable other side and all your efforts should be spent in investigative journalism.
This Lord guy makes me sick. He would take up for Trump no matter what. Keep him off the show and the other liars you have on. We want truth and we know Trump is a treasonous conman. Didn’t watch your Melania shit either. She can fly a kite for all I care.
CNN, get rid of this waste of airspace.
I understand CNN nweds to have opposing viewpoints, but Jeff Lord is insane. If he had any logical or legit comments, I would love r I engage him or listen t I his counterargument, but JL had lost his marbles!
Having seen this guy a few times I assume he’s a Trump spokesman?
Jeffrey Lord is a total ass.I can’t stand. As far as I can figure, he hasn’t been relevant since Reagan. I have nothing against Reagan, but when he’s on he always sits under his picture, as of that’s the only way you know who he is.
Please, please find someone who makes a valid argument at least part of the time. He is a paid surrogate alternative, we know that. He does that job but frankly, like Kellyanne it is so annoying to watch his reactionless face never flinch at the lies he has to tell to remain in that role. When i am forced to watch Lord or Conway I switch to MSNBC or even Fox, whose commentators often make better arguments in opposition to their slant. Maybe because they have truth on their side but i can’t forget that CNN gave Kellyanne a pulpit during the campaign. That mistake gave positive coverage to Trump with her ‘alternative facts,’ much too late.
I cant stand jeff lord when he starts talking I change
the channel cnn loses lots of viewers with this guy.
Although I respect his righ of free speech, I would not pay to hear it. I would say that he and others like him do not contribute to the news at all, and that I don’t understand why you do. If this is some weak attempt at providing equal time–that’s just ridiculous. It is like giving equal time to the Flat Earth Society every time NASA is in the news. Right now the “fake news” label is only accurate is when they are on.
Jeff Lord is irrelevant and irritating trying to defend 45’s lies and rhetoric. I wish CNN would not have him on as a contributing commentator.
I turn off the show whenever the ridiculous Trump lackey starts his “defense” of 45. I might as well watch Fox. Surely you can find a more reasonable panelist.
Jeff Lord is just another propaganda-flogging fraud. He has no business on a news network.
Whenever any of your hosts announce that Jeffrey Lord, or Kaylie, or Jack King or Collins will be coming on, I immediately change to MSNBC- and then I’m done with CNN for that day. You might want to learn from MSNBC hosts how they deal with guests who spout ridiculous defenses and outright lies. Time is coming that I will just tune out CNN completely.
When Jeff Lord cones on, I seriously switch channels, it’s torture watching and listening to him.
He’s a liar. Why would any reputable news outlet employ this man to spew lies to it’s audience night after night. His reasoning is so convoluted it’s offensive to thinking ppl. The is representative of the kind of programing that brought us #45. Has this craziness not done enough damage to the country? It’s currently unclear if our system of government will even survive this onslaught of liars now controlling our government yet CNN is still giving this propagandist a platform
He have no morals and integrity, but a businessman being paid to disagree to any facts against Dump Trump.
I think he is a dimwit. If a person who has brains and still doesn’t see the danger in Donald Trump he shouldn’t be allowed on tv.
I’ve stopped watching CNN since the primaries. Can’t stand listening to Jeff Lord, Enamy and the other Republican pundits they bring on. To make matters worse, they’ve now hired Jason Miller. Once the govt. approves AT&T/Time Warner Merger, it may spell the end of any credibility for CNN. Trump’s attempt to take down CNN may be happening. We will only have MSNBC.
I would be happy to see Jeff, Kelly Ann and Kayleigh removed from CNN programming. You may have noticed when they start to speak, viewership goes down.
I understand that CNN needs to present a balanced approach to discussions in order to remain the most trusted political news channel but these three are not making a positive impact to your broadcasting.
Jeffrey Lord is one of those kool-aid infused 45 supporters that would still support him if he stood on 5th Ave and shot someone so he just rambles on and on with nonsense.
Lord is an idiot, I turn the channel when he is on.
He’s a disgusting misogynistic pig who doesn’t deserve to have a nation wide platform to spread his hate. He doesn’t debate on issues but instead turns it into a vitriolic attack on the speaker. He’s an over grown spoilt little boy who doesn’t play well with others.
He is a poopscooper for the shit that comes out of trumps mouth.
He is a phony who lies about everything. He’s Kelly Anne’s brother. Bought paid for and brought to you by Trump. Every time you have him on, I turn off your channel. I’d rather see Sponge Bob square pants
Do not remove him from CNN, simply call him out when he spouts BS and alternative facts. The best way to defeat a propagandists is to counter his BS with factual information. Install an off switch on his mic when he wanders into false territory if you must, but he must be shown to be nonsensical to have an effect. Banning him would only provide him a bully pulpit on networks favorable to his alternative truth.
Jeff Lord needs to go ASAP! His agenda is right wing dictatorship.
Jeff Lord = moron
He needs to go somewhere else and spread that fake news, he refuse to be honest and to think that CNN pays him just ridiculous
He needs to go just like Kelly Anne. When Jeff Lord comes on CNN, I change the channel!
Kindly quit being an ass Lordy POOP
I personally am sick of seeing him , and most assuredly tired of hearing him lie every single time. I would think that CNN could find better guests. we get enough lies from the white house , must we have to put up with it constantly when we watch your program. I watch faithfully, but when he is on I now change to MSNBC. If I wanted to hear lies , I would just turn in to fox news.
He needs to go
sad someone would lie so much for $ and the publicity he gets. Stop booking him
Jeffrey Lord needs to go, along with Kayleigh and get rid of Paris while you are at it!
GET RID OF THIS BLITHERING IDIOT! He’s one of several reasons why many of us routinely switch channels!
Dear, CNN: Jeff Lord is no longer objective. He’s continually defending Trump …who is undermining our nation’s Democracy as we speak. Trump is a criminal and needs to GO!!!
He in my opionion is just plain TRASH. He should clean up his so called ACT. I love President Trump and no matter what this Jerk says it just makes me like the Trump Adminstration ALL THE MORE!!!!
I ,oved it when Bill Maher came out and called him a liar and demanded he stop trying to spin every thing
Jeffrey Lord needs to go. He’s like a parrot saying the same things over and over. I’ve stopped watching CNN because of his being on Anderson Cooper. Cannot stand him anymore. Kayleigh McEnany is nearly as bad. Please change these people out cause I enjoy Anderson so much otherwise.
It is obvious Jeffrey believes what he is saying just as McEnany does but they are both delusional and or high on drugs. Please get Santorum off as well he is insulting as well. I guess it is kind of interesting to see how someone speaks out of their ass but it is also distasteful.
Please quit wasting my time by airing Jeffery Lord. I only want real news.
Wow, I’m shocked! I had no idea he worked at CNN, and thought he worked at Faux News because of his unbelievably skewed remarks, when I came across them online! Fire the sucker, he doesn’t need to take up air space from people willing to tell the truth! People like him are responsible for the mess we are now in!
The bigger his smile, the bigger his lie!!!! I am so angry you pay him and validate the platform for his lies. Fire him.
Lord and the rest are comical and forever tell us what we heard Trump say is not what he meant. Everytime Lord comes on I turn the channel. So I never see the advertisements. Advertisers are losing money when he comes on because I never see what products they are peddling. Remove Lord and maybe I won’t turn the channel.
I cannot stand him and Kayleigh. They are in no way objective and agree with pretty much anything trump says or does.
Fire him! He is just as delusional as #BLOTUS #45!
I am tired of CNN allowing people to come on various shows, tell blatant lies while barely being challenged on those lies. It is disheartening that networks inadvertently help Bannon achieve his agenda through lack of courage. You are helping destroy Democracy when you normalize lies and hate.
Mr. Lord has a poor concept of what is really going on in politics. He attempts to remind everyone that he knew Ronald Reagan (which none of us care about), and his positions on the issues are unrealistic. He is a poor contributor and needs to retire or find a different job.
It is a complete waste of time listening to him talk. At first he appears to be a fairly intelligent individual, but to listen to him to defend Trump’s words and actions, no matter what they are, is ridiculous! I cannot listen to his faulty reasoning.
Why CNN continues to put blowhards like this who prays to his Ronald Regan statute is beyond me. I have tuned off CNN more and more because these paid shills are too much.