The Jennings family responds to Luke Bryan and it ain’t pretty. Unless you’ve been living under a rock you have heard that country star Luke Bryan had some unkind words to say recently about the legends that forged the outlaw movement in country music.
This is what Bryan said about outlaw country whilst responding to criticism regarding his Bro Country music.
“I think that people who want Merle, Willie, and Waylon just need to buy Merle, Willie and Waylon. I’ve never been a ‘Those were the good old days’ kind of guy. I’m not big on looking back on the past. I’m not an outlaw country singer. I don’t do cocaine and run around. So I’m not going to sing outlaw country. I like to hunt, fish, ride around on my farm, build a big bonfire and drink some beers—and that’s what I sing about. It’s what I know. I don’t know about laying in the gutter, strung out on drugs. I don’t really want to do that.”
This quote was taken from Ram Country Yahoo.
Waylon’s son Buddy’s wife rebutted Luke’s comments in a post on social media and was attacked and many doubted the validity of it. To which she, Kathy Pinkerman Jennings addressed by posting a video of herself on YouTube re-enforcing the fact that she and she alone was responsible for the content against Bryan. There is some explicit language so be aware before you play the video. This lady was pretty upset and understandably so.
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I say cheers to Jennings for having the guts and internal fortitude to say what she was feeling even though it may upset some people. Quite honestly, with the state of country music today it is about time that someone take a stand for the music and tell the suits that control things to bugger off.
If he were to turn his fame into a useful platform like world hunger or something meaningful then perhaps some good could come out of his “version” of country music.
Several other more traditional country music artists like Levi Lowrey was bothered by Bryan’s statement and had his own response, “Luke, ‘Laying in the gutter,’ might be just what the doctor ordered. I feel that it would do you some good. You may be able to write a decent song after a stint in the real world.”
Is Bryan spending too much time with that other country artist (Blake Shelton) who is also known for putting his foot in his mouth?
Luke Bryan is NOT a true country singer. I can’t stand him or his music. Give me the ‘real’ country singers like those he tried to insult. Please don’t even begin to put Blake Shelton in the low class of Luke Bryan. At least Blake does sing country songs. Luke Bryan is the last person I would ever call a true ‘country’ singer. At least Taylor Swift got out of country instead of staying in it and ruining it with her type of music and songs.
Luke Bryon Why are you knowing the old timers ,you are going to be an old timers some ☹☹
Lady you are speaking for me too. Shame on you Luke Bryan.