Joey Feek 25 gifts for Christmas

Joey Feek 25 gifts for Christmas. Rory Feek shares a heartwarming story of community love and giving during this bittersweet Christmas time. In his last blog post Rory Feek, husband of Joey Feek who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and is spending her last Christmas back home in Indiana with her family shared this amazing story.
The Feeks local pizza place, “Pizza King,” has not only been making and giving for free Pizza to the Feek family everytime they order it, they did something else that was to heartfelt, caring and remarkable.
They handed Rory a bag of gifts for Indiana. When they got home, they discovered that each gift was numbered for Indiana to open from December 1st until December 25th. The Feeks are enjoying a morning ritual of opening that days gift and enjoying it with Indiana.
The love being shown to this family at this bittersweet time is wonderful.
Take 3 minutes to enjoy a Christmas music video done by Joey and Rory a few years ago and keep those prayers for a miracle coming.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
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God bless you all ?
How can I get your new song? It’s the one you wrote for Indiana. You are in my prayers every day Joey. I pray for Rory and the family also. I pray God will add a miracle healing for you. He has a plan for you and your family. Love you in Jesus name. Amen
I am praying for You & all your family Joey. I love your music! I espesially love the one ” It’s Just A Cup Of Coffee!! I play that over & over. I send love & prayers to you & yours every day!! Faye Allen
Joey you have been in my prayers since day one.you have inspired me you and Rory.I have alot more ordering to do.I will say you are very loved my friend. God Bless you all Joey.