Emmy Worthy Work

The on screen work that these two phenomenal actors did this week are absolutely Emmy worthy. You felt every second of the death scene General Hospital viewers were forced to endure. Nobody expected Britta to go out this way. First, they give her a nasty disease and then they take her out with a hook. Well, the Daily Banner has a theory about all of this. Read on for our theory as well as Kelly Thiebaud with screen mom Kathleen Gati deliver Emmy performance on General Hospital.
Mothers and Daughters
Relationships between mothers and daughters can be complicated. It was never portrayed so obviously and completely as with the relationship between Leisel and Britta. When we saw these two characters together for the first time, they really didn’t like each other very much. Britta never felt loved by her mother and Leisel ruled with an iron fist. She thought she had to be tough with her daughter to make her daughter tough. This relationship has evolved, especially over the last two years to something very beautiful. The death scene was beautiful as Mom tried to give her daughter all the love, comfort and support she could in those last few minutes. It was beautifully sad.
The Daily Banners Theory
Kelly Thiebaud with screen mom Kathleen Gati deliver Emmy performance on General Hospital
We are not going to make you wait any longer. However, we do think General Hospital viewers need to dry their tears. Most die hard fans know that Kelly left to resume a role on another ABC show (Station 19.) It is a wonderful thing when an actor can land a role on a prime time show. We should all be happy for Kelly. Brit is a fan favorite. The fans will and should continue to say they want Brit back on GH. This is how GH writers can do this and what our theory is of how this can work.
Victor, yes, we said Victor has swooped in and taken Britta’s body to one of his labs and put her on life support. We know he still loves Leisel and he would not let Leisel’s daughter be dead. In addition, she will have been misdiagnosed with Huntington Disease and she will be back totally healthy. She should have been teamed up with Austin. Kelly and Roger have mad chemistry. This is the perfect way to bring Brit back when her role on the other show wraps. Keep this theory in your back pocket and lets see if it pans out.
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