Shut up Lindsey
Firstly, this is literally the first time I have ever written a headline like this. Secondly, this is also the first time I am writing in first person. This is a no no in the world of journalism but this stuff has to be said. I can’t be the only person sick, sick, sick of Lindsey Graham? Read on for more on Lindsey Graham JUST SHUT UP you’re welcome America.
What happened to Lindsey Graham
So this guy was either like this all along and easily led or he got lost when John McCain died. If he was always like this, the difference between then and now is John McCain was a good man. If McCain weren’t a fundamentally good man that Lindsay had hitched his wagon too, America may have seen his true colors sooner.
In any event, Graham is not a nice human being. He is a backstabbing, wishy washy hypocrite.
No systemic racism in America
Asked the other day if there was systemic racism in America his response was, “In my opinion, I don’t think so.” His reasoning was because we had Barack Obama for 8 years. MY LORD Lindsey, the reason we had Obama was because over 1/2 of America (the half that isn’t racist) voted for him. The others that didn’t let the racism swell and gave us Donald Trump. How could that moron not see that? He also said, “and we now have a 1/2 Asian 1/2 Black Vice-President,” as if the racists had anything to do with that. You don’t have to have 100% of a population being racist to have a racist problem. Can he be this stupid? Seriously, can he?
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Graham badmouthing Biden
Now Graham is spending his time badmouthing Biden. Why did South Carolina vote for this idiot again? Are they not embarrassed by the asinine things he says daily? It is time that all news publications start calling out these irresponsible Senators and Congress people for the morons that they are.
Do you think Lindsey Graham is an idiot and needs to just shut up? Please post your comments below and they will be approved in the order in which they were received.
Take a minute to listen to this future Step-father – Step-daughter song.
Yes, and yes.
Morally the lights been on for a long time with Graham, but there ain’t neva been anybody home…eva.
That totally qualifies him as a common, everday Republican waste of skin.
He’s always been an idiot and a moron but tamed when McCain was around because this behavior sprung out soon after McCain.