Little River Band Members support local 15 year old with Sudan cause
Little River Band members support local 15 year old with Sudan cause on February 1, 2017 with Fundraiser. Atlantic Community High School student brings international recording artists to Boca Raton, Florida on February 1, 2017 at 7:30 p.m., at Temple Beth El, 333 Southwest 4th Avenue to perform for her cause.
The Save the Kids from Cholera acoustic concert with Stephen Housden and Wayne Nelson from the Little River Band is a once in a lifetime event. These two amazing musicians are dedicating their time and effort to raise awareness for the war torn people of South Sudan. Lead guitarist Stephen Housden is flying in from Ireland for this special event joined by LRB lead singer, bass guitarist Wayne Nelson. They will perform LRB hit songs and treat us to some new songs as well. Tickets: www.bit.do/LRBCONCERT
Tickets Prices: $40.00/$30.00 and $15.00 (students) Available Online and At Door
Stephen is regarded as one of the finest guitarists in the world, having played and recorded with such legends as Warren Zevon, Glenn Frey (The Eagles), Dr. John, Christopher Cross, John Entwistle (The Who), P.F Sloan, Steve Cropper and many, many others.
Wayne joined Little River Band 38 years ago after leaving Jim Messina’s band. He was the lead vocalist on the smash hit “The Night Owls”, and was a key vocal contributor to the band Glenn Frey called ‘the greatest singing band in the world”.
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All proceeds from this event go to providing Sawyer Water Filters to families in South Sudan to prevent Cholera. At $15 these incredible filters provide clean water and safety from water borne illnesses. Organized and produced by Atlantic Community High School Sophomore student Audrey Hayward, her goal is to raise enough money to provide water filters for 200 South Sudanese families.
Audrey had been influenced by Water is Basic for most of her life. She was exposed to the problem in South Sudan by watching a film called Ru (screened before the show). Ru is a movie about a fifteen year old in South Sudan and her daily struggle to get clean water. This film put Audrey’s whole life into perspective. She began to realize that she doesn’t think of clean water as something she could lose. After that, everything made her think of Ru’s plight, flushing the toilet, brushing her teeth and more. Audrey started to compare her daily routine with Ru’s. She became very aware of the privilege she has to obtain clean water right out of the tap. The Save the Children from Cholera concert is her way of making a small difference. This cause is deep down in everyone’s hearts. Stephen and Wayne haven’t played together in years which make this an incredible event you cannot miss.
Water is Basic is an organization that catalyzes sustainable solutions to local water crises; providing clean, safe water in the villages where people live. www.waterisbasic.com
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