Season One Episode One
So, it took weeks and every free minute I had but I sat down and binge watched Sister Wives. I did so because I had watched Season 1 way back when and then fell off the viewing schedule. Then when the pandemic hit, I caught a couple episodes. I felt so much disconnect between them all that I felt I needed to see what happened. Read on for my Notes after binge watching Sister Wives from Season One Episode One.
Hindsight is always 20/20
I will skip right to the end of the last Season to make this statement. I really wish the show had started a year or two before Kody brought Robyn into the fold. It would have been nice to see how the family operated before Robyn shifted the dynamic. If there is anyone out here that does not believe she shifted the dynamic, just look at the photo above. It really says it all.
Moving to Vegas
Notes after binge watching Sister Wives from Season One Episode One
The viewer could understand why the family felt the need to get out of Utah. After all, most people don’t want to sit and wait to get arrested. While this was always just a possibility it had to be nerve wracking worrying about it all the time. I never understood how Kody could have been arrested for bigamy as he was only legally married to Meri. She was the original and only legal wife for years. I have a lot to say about Meri offering the divorce to Kody to adopt Robyn’s kids but that will come later in this article.
They move to Vegas and share a huge rental home. Several growing pains happened there and the divisions of the family I believe began there. All 4 wives found rental houses and moved in. Their physical separation began there, however Robyn was never really incorporated into the family unit. What I mean by that is into the family unit under the same roof. Robyn always claimed she wants to live a polygamy lifestyle because she wanted sister wives. Consequently, the only sister wife she ever had a close relationship with was Meri. I believe there was a method for her madness there and I will discuss that a little later.
The Cul-de-Sac
The 4 wives and Kody worked so hard figuring out and making happen the 4 houses in the cul-de-sac. With what seemed to appear as no actual income, somehow they made that happen. We know Sister Wives Closet was a bust. They must have used the money for the show to finance the builds of their beloved Cul-de-Sac houses. I don’t think there is anyone that wouldn’t agree that this was the perfect set up for their family. What many didn’t see on the show was that their entrance into the Cul-De-Sac was gated. They didn’t really focus on it when shooting but I spotted the gate a few times during the binge.
Moving to Arizona
Did it feel like the move to Arizona was a way for Kody to dispose of a few wives? It sure did to me. Why take the perfect situation and throw it away? Is there anybody else that feels that Kody is a malcontent? In every aspect of his life he is not content. He is not content with 10 children and he was not content with having only 3 wives. During the first half of the series Kody showed more of an endearing side. By the time they were leaving Vegas, Kody’s full narcissistic personality was out for all to see.
In conclusion
Notes after binge watching Sister Wives from Season One Episode One
I always thought Meri’s offer and subsequent divorce from Kody was suspect. I really thought she was ready to leave the marriage. In addition, I always thought Robyn was keeping Meri close to have a better grip on neck when she killed Kody and Meri’s marriage. Janelle was married before to Meri’s brother and just wanted security. She may be ready for more now. Before Robyn came into the marriage, Kody made Christine feel special as she was the newest wife having babies last. Christine thought she wanted sister wives. She learned the hard way that she doesn’t like sharing a husband, especially if she doesn’t feel like number one. State your observations regarding Sister Wives below. That concludes our Notes after binge watching Sister Wives from Season One Episode One.
This makes my 2nd time binge watching from the start it just seems I catch something different every episode