Randy Travis sings at funeral for friend

Randy Travis sings at funeral for friend in Texas. It has been almost 3 years since Randy Travis has stood in front of a microphone since suffering a near fatal stroke. This past Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016, Randy stood up with a group of friends and helped sing “Amazing Grace,” to honor his friend, Pierre de Wet. He stood there without his cane to sing and honor his friend. See story of Pierre de Wet’s Memorial service here.
Travis who suffered a near fatal stroke almost 3 years ago is making a miraculous recovery as he wasn’t expected to live at the time he was experiencing all his health issues. He has worked very hard to get back to this point and it looks like he is going to make every effort to reclaim the life he knew before Stroke.
The Daily Banner thinks it is great to see him behind the microphone again.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years living, loving and writing. Like her on Facebook
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One of the most perfect blends of music, vocals, lyrics and video for my nickel. I was born listening to music. Randy Travis’ first album compelled me to contact Martha Sharp and I’ve been seriously writing since. Music can be a powerful force of realism and awareness.
Gosto de vê-lo cantar com J.Turner, rogo por sua recuperação em breve