Firstly, as far as song titles go, this one get’s the gold for longest. “The World’s Foremost Authority on Everything” is a bit of a tongue in cheek country flared song leaning towards the bluegrass genre. It is meant to be a little silly and a little serious and it hits the mark. Read on for more about the Review on Bill Abernathy’s new single “The World’s Foremost Authority on Everything”.
The speaking reminds me of CW McCall and his style of trucking tunes and I kept expecting to hear a breaker one nine for the Rubber Duck in there.
The truth be told though, this song gets your toes tapping and puts a smile on your face. What more could you ask for from a piece of music or musician.
There are enough innuendos in there that you can easily surmise whom it is intended for and yet enough ambiguity that it can fit several people in the headlines. Additionally, the recording quality is very easy to listen to and professional sounding indeed.
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I think that the world could use a little more music of this type so give Bill Abernathy a listen. I actually find it to be a nice break. It is a little wordy but worth a listen my friends. Give it a spin.
A Little about Bill:
Review on Bill Abernathy’s new single “The World’s Foremost Authority on Everything”
“Imagine yourself in a small mining town on January 29th, 1958. You’re in a condemned hospital where a mother is giving birth to her 4th child while her husband, covered in coal dust from the mines, paces the waiting room. This is the beginning of my story. From that condemned hospital, through many changes and challenges, to having my songs played all over the world, this is my story. “Change always teaches us to be everything we’re destined to be”. We don’t always know what life will bring, what dreams will become reality, what dreams will crash and burn, but one thing is certain. Change is either our friend or our enemy, we choose which.” – Bill Abernathy
Make sure to visit Bill at his website at https://www.billabernathy.com/welcome
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