First and foremost Roger Howarth returns from the land of soap opera dead. Returning to General Hospital last week shock and awed the fans. Some were thrilled, some not so thrilled. True fans of Howard such as myself are just happy to have him back. Read on for more about Roger’s return to General Hospital.
Todd Manning
Roger’s return to General Hospital
To date, Todd Manning was probably Roger’s most exciting and redeeming role. One Life To Live turned this rapist into one of the most loved characters on the show. By the end of One Life To Live’s run, Roger was a fan favorite. His love story between he and Blair made super couple soap history.
Todd Manning on GH
When they brought Roger from Llanview PA to Port Charles New York, he was still Todd. That role was short lived and Roger returned as the character Franco. Franco was a much scorned character originally portrayed by James Franco. Fun Fact – the actor James Franco only agreed to be on General Hospital if he could use his real name. That is a strange request from an actor but everyone knows James Franco is a bit strange.
The Redemption of Franco
The character of Franco went from being just Franco to Franco Baldwin. This was part of the transformation of the character of Franco. His tenderness during his love affair with the flawed character Nina also helped. The finishing touches on the character transformation was when Franco Baldwin married beloved character Elizabeth Weber giving her 3 seemingly and most of the time fatherless sons a Dad.
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Franco Baldwin saves always fatherless son Cameron’s life. As a result a true father son bond grows between the two characters. Cameron falls apart when Franco is killed. Fast forward a few months. Furthermore, Cameron now knows that Jason didn’t kill Franco. The teens are graduating High School and getting accepted into colleges.
Enter Austin

This week the fans saw Roger return as a brand new character, a shirtless doctor appearing in the woods just as Maxi is going to deliver baby Louise. By the way, what is up with that name? We all know they are going to call her Lou. The Jones girls have a habit of giving their girl babies boyish names. We have Maxi, her deceased sister Georgie. Additionally, Maxi named her first born Georgie and now there is Louise partially named at Lou Lou.
Shirtless Doctor
In conclusion, who thinks that doctor Austin is going to portray a bit sexier character than the former characters Roger has played? How long will it before Austin is working in General Hospital? Will Elizabeth get her happily ever after after all? Thank you for reading Roger’s return to General Hospital. Tell us what you think about the return and how it was executed by typing in the comment section below.
I’m sorry if people think I am being ridiculous. Just like Finn and Todd, Franco appears as another character and no one will say , ” Franco ! You’re back.” They won’t even think it’s incredible that Austin looks just like Franco. Enough of look-a-like characters. There has to be a better way of writing people back in the show.
I hope that the rush to bring Roger back is not in vain, I am hoping that he will be Franco’s triple so that Austin has some kind of background. there should be a strong connection to Franco. I as always will be 👀. This is the second actor that GH has done this to. His name now is Finn. Good luck Roger H.