It is obvious that Sally is going to need some specialized psychological attention to help her get through this loss. Losing a baby is painful in every way and you want to blame anyone and everyone including yourself. However, it is never usually just one persons fault. This is certainly some Emmy worthy work that Courtney Hope is displaying. Read on for more about Sally is traumatized by the loss of her baby girl on Young and Restless.
We just can’t write about today and yesterday’s episode without going into how Elena took it upon herself to tell Sally that Adam decided that she should live and let the baby die. If a doctor is going to tell a patient such a thing, that doctor better STRESS to the patient that there was a good chance the baby wasn’t going to make it anyhow. Not only was she very premature, she went from not even showing to due this summer. That felt off to us. Why was there never really a baby bump? Baby bumps are easy to come by in fantasy world.
Anyhow, the way Elena told Sally was totally off. It was as if she was ratting on Adam when Adam did the only thing he really could. Still not getting how it became one or the other? They gave her a C-Section, that should have ended the issues. The baby was either going to make it outside her mother’s womb or she wasn’t. If the mother is dead, a baby inside a mother can’t survive, right? Or would they have kept Sally on life support but actually brain dead for a few weeks until delivery?
This story line is perplexing to say the least.
Poor Adam
Sally is traumatized by the loss of her baby girl on Young and Restless

Seriously writers, is this guy never going to get a break? The heartache and abuse he suffers over and over again is terrible. He was forced to make a decision that was probably not ever really in his hands. The hospital should have called Sally’s next of kin like her Aunt or her sister. It should have never been Adam’s decision. He was not married to her and at that moment, where was the proof he was even the babies father? The scene with Adam and Nick was sweet but Adam still feels alone.
As much as Victor tries to be there for Adam, there does seem to be a lack of connection they never seem to remedy. Today’s episode leaves us with Sally waiting for them to bring her Ava. When did she decide on a name? We all knew she liked Hope for a possible middle name but where did AVA come from?
I am so hoping that Victor with a team of doctors grabbed that baby away and have it hooked up to some life saving machines so the little soul is not gone. Will it really be Sally’s baby she will be seeing tomorrow?
Tomorrow’s episode is going to even more heart breaking than today’s.
Did Sally or Adam ever hold their baby ? They sort of just dropped that part. Or, the baby didn’t die.