What did you think when you saw the song title, “Go Your Own Way?” I had a bit of a Fleetwood Mac flashback and wasn’t really sure what I was going to hear. Let me start by saying, this song is absolutely nothing like the hit song Fleetwood Mac released in the 1970’s. The only thing that is the same is that they are both good songs. Read on for Song Review for Go Your Own Way by Tia McGraff.
Let’s get a little bit of copyright legality info out of the way. NO, you can not copyright a song title. Anybody can call any song anything they want and that is perfectly legal. Therefore, Tia McGraff’s “Go Your Own Way,” has every right to be called that. In fact, in a weird kind of twist, that is what the song is all about. Tia delves into social issues plaguing not just America but the world today. The song and more specifically the lyrics made me want to learn more about Tia.
Song Review For Go Your Own Way by Tia McGraff
Tia McGraff is a multi-talented, award-winning singer, songwriter, performer, author and
podcast host from Southern Ontario, Canada. Along with her husband and co-writer Tommy
Parham, the skilled songstress has been making impactful and thought-provoking art for well
over a decade. Bringing together a burning passion for the art of music and an honesty that is
long lost on today’s modern charts, Tia McGraff is a trailblazer in her genre, one’s whose efforts
have made her a beloved figure on the international music scene.
The above paragraph was straight out of Tia’s bio and tells me I was on the right road about her and her question to change the world through music. You know what? She just might do it.
Go Your Own Way is thoughtful, powerful and intuitive. It is a song that is poised to win awards because of its though provoking lyrics. Visit Tia’s website. To learn more about and follow Tia at the following popular social media sites. This concludes the Song Review for Go Your Own Way by Tia McGraff.
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