Trump now denying it was him on Access Hollywood tape when the world knows the truth

What in the world goes through this crazy man’s head? Does he really think that he can now say this was not him and the world will believe him? He has told obvious lies before but this one is ludicrous. Multiple publications are reporting this is what he is now saying. So Trump now denying it was him on Access Hollywood tape when the world knows the truth.
Why would he change his story now?
The only thing anyone can come up with is that Trump is now trying to cast doubt to fit today’s situation. This is all about Roy Moore. Roy Moore is denying even knowing his accusers. Moore’s community, the local Mall and more know they are true but Roy continues to deny. Does Trump think if it is working for Moore, it will work for me?
Trying to rewrite History
This is not the first time America has seen Donald Trump trying to rewrite history. History that was viewed by America’s own eyes like the size of his inauguration. Everyone knows that his inauguration was not as attended at Barack Obama’s because America viewed both. Yet Trump still walks around saying that his was the biggest.
Will Trump get away with it?
How brain damaged or mentally incompetent does one have to be to believe what this man says? Donald Trump is lies as easily as most people breath. He does it on a daily basis. Nobody can believe a word this man says ever, yet people continue to listen to him. Trumps brainless followers will now be walking around saying that wasn’t him saying he could “grab women by their pu y’s and they just let you.”
The madness must stop
It is as if 30% of American’s have mad cow disease or had lobotomies and can’t think for themselves. When did rural America lose all sense of reason? There are still 16 women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct. Perhaps he is trying to shut them down by casting doubt on the Access Hollywood audio and video. You know, the only thing Trump has ever apologized about since has become a politician.
In Conclusion
Things better start changing soon or America may reach a point of no return to decency, normalcy or respectability.
Check out the One Year Anniversary since the Election “Food for Thought” episode.
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He is delusional and insane. Impeach NOW!!
Why did the government allow him to continue running for president after several women came forward and told them that he grabbed them and no one paid attention but now women are coming out the woodwork and telling the media that they were sexually assaulted by democrats, now that sounds very fishy about this whole damn thing. Now the government needs to impeach his ass for grooping women before he took office of president.
I agree.
Sleazebag Trumpy is a disgraceful example of a human being