Waylon Jennings top 5 songs
And if you know Waylon and his music you no doubt have strong opinions about your favorite songs. We’re going to look at some that deserve to be on your top 5 songs list but you perhaps forgot about them. In some cases you might not even have know that they were done by Waylon. So here goes, get your ears ready. The green links will take you right to a music video of the song on YouTube.
05.”Are You Ready for the Country”
The cover of this album shows what a badass outlaw looks like. Released in 1976 this song from the album of the same name was written by Neil Young and is a great addition to a list of top 5 songs by Waylon.
04.”Rose in Paradise”
If there was a perfect country song contest this one has to be included. Perfect message and musically right there on the edge of early pop country from 1987’s Hanging Tough album.
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03.”Suddenly Single”
Waylon can make you really feel this song. Heartbreak put to music and you know what the man is feeling as he becomes single against his will. The album Will the Wolf Survive was released in 1985 and was full of great music.
02.”The Union Mare and the Confederate Grey”
This is a timeless look at the Civil War and the stupidity of it all. We should all take a lesson from the two horses in this song and learn to live together regardless of nationality of color. This was released on the White Mansion’s album.
This is early Waylon at his best. The first time you hear this song you will get goose bumps. There is a little audio distortion on it sue to Waylon’s voice being too powerful for the recording techniques of the day back in 1972. It was produced by Ronny Light. The song was written by Bobby Braddock. It is from his Ladies Love Outlaws album and is the top on the list of top 5 songs by Waylon Jennings.
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