Greek Mythology

To write this piece I began looking into some Greek Mythology. I had always heard that things could be crazy but didn’t realize just how crazy. Greek GODS literally swallowing baby boys because of a fear of his sons taking his place on the throne. Geez, so it is written that Saturn, one of the Titans who once ruled earth in Roman mythology, devours the infant child he holds in his arm. According to a prophecy, Saturn would be overthrown by one of his sons. In response, he ate his sons as soon as they were born. I guess that means that Nikolas messing with his son’s ex-lover is no big deal in comparison. Read on for What Greek tragedy is Nik with his sons girlfriend being modeled on General Hospital.
What is Nikolas thinking?
You could hear the viewers shreaking across the country today when Nikolas tried to swallow Esme’s face whole. She also tried to swallow his face in return. The directors wanted to make sure that the viewers thought these two were really passionate about what they were feeling. How could Nikolas be so excited over Esme who has the body of a 12 year old boy? Did we just go there?? Yes we did.

Ava is going to have their head when she gets wind of this betrayal. We know that Spencer doesn’t really care but Ava sure will. There is really nothing that can be considered worse than this husband betrayal. Nik has fought to keep this little crazy in their home. Now he is going to help himself to some Esme. Are we supposed to consider this a possible scenario? We here at The Daily Banner just don’t find this credible. It is way too far fetched and quite frankly gross.
In Conclusion
Who here reading this article right now is okay with this turn of events? You can comment below about ho you feel about this new developing story line. So what Greek tragedy is Nik with his sons girlfriend being modeled on General Hospital?
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