Young and Restless Friday spoiler bring some pretty revealing things. If you don’t want to know what is going to happen, leave this page immediately.
So, you’re still here. Okay, here we go. Stitch wants to talk to Ashley about a patient. Victor is sending Abby & Victoria to a conference to do a presentation.
Paul is out of the hospital and wanting to find out what he can about police work. Christine gets called away from the coffee house and Kevin shows up and Paul pumps him for information.
Nick brings Faith home to Sharon and Sharon and Mariah are trying to put the crib together. They were making a mess of it so Nick offered to help. Faith is watching her mother and father working together and she is smiling big time.
Mariah sees Dylan and Sage in the park. Sage is crying as usual and Dylan calms her down. Mariah tells them that Nick and Sharon are building the baby crib so they head over to Sharon’s house. They get there just in time to see Nick and Sharon embracing. Dylan asks Nick to stick around and help him build the crib. They make a contest of it while both couples work on building it and Faith in the referee. It is a very cute scene. One observation though, why is Sharon building a crib already and okay, 2 observations, why are they building it in the living room when it now has to be carried up a narrow stair case?
Stitch is spending a lot of time with his PTSD patient and Ashley is obviously quite taken with Stitch.
Victoria finally shows up at the office after coming in late because she spent the night with Billy. Bill comes in with her and he and Victor end up fighting after Victoria leaves the office. Ashley is privy to the fight and sits down with Victor afterwards.
The two sisters arrive at the conference and are going over their presentation in their hotel room. Victoria ends up talking to Abby about being back with Billy. Billy goes back to the house he shared with Victoria and thinks about last night and then calls her to tell her that he is thinking about her. Victoria is worried that Billy hates Gabriel more than he loves her.
Sharon gives Sage some good pregnancy advice. Sage is acting very cagey about the baby. Is it possible she has already had a miscarriage?
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Stitches patient has a “Purple Heart” and Stitch pins it to his pillow. A moment later the patient goes into respiratory arrest. Stitch works hard to save him but they leave that scene on a cliffhanger.
The episode ends with Victor accusing Ashley of being the mastermind behind the “Paragon Project.” Ashley plays dumb to the whole thing.
The previews show Stitch and Ashley growing even closer, Nikki and Victor with Nikki laying down the law to Victor again and Hillary telling Devon that he has been acting strange since the bachelor party.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
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Just a huge thanks for all you do. Love the show, although not all the changes. My job keeps me from seeing it regularly and your blog keeps me up to date! Cheers to you and thanks!
I am a big fan of the show – been watching for years.. THANKS for all the spoilers – really enjoy them!
Thanks for all the info and updates. Love your post and Angela White.
I don’t like this crazy story line about Marco and jack and Marisa and bringing back dead characters do you think we are crazy you let go of really good actors and bring in stupid stuff I always thought this is best soap opera but not any more don’t care if I even see it any more need new writers !
Thank you for all the work you put into it! We so appreciate reading!!
Thank you so much. I missed all three of my soaps today.You let me know what I missed on two of them.