Has Young and Restless brought Ben back for revenge? Perhaps the crazy apple fell from a crazy tree? In all seriousness, why did they bring Ben back with this stalker vibe? We know the man loved his son. His character is a war Vet that saw a lot of ugly. At some point his first wife died. Her death kept him to himself for a good long time before he feel for Abby. The viewers heard about a son but nobody met Max for quite a long time after Ben came into Genoa City. What the writers did let us know was that Max had emotional problems who tried to fake liking his new step-mother. Next thing we knew, this little boy was plotting to kill his stepmother and unborn half sibling. That can’t be good for any parents mind. Read on for more about Young and Restless has Ben being stalker crazy.
Max and Stitch
Young and Restless has Ben being stalker crazy
The lunch crew at The Daily Banner was trying to remember Stitch’s exit from Young and Restless. Looking back it felt kind of mild. Additionally, all anyone could remember was he got another job and he was gone. Ben reports that Max is worse. That is is slipping into a even deeper place that has no resemblance to reality. Is it possible that he blames Abby?
Another scenario to consider
Ben has friends all over the medical community. Could he have had Abby’s eggs fertilized with his sperm? In soap world anything is possible. That would explain his interest in following Mariah around. Maybe this is not revenge at all. Maybe he is trying to create the baby he lost with Abby?
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Leaving Genoa City
One has to be asking, “why does he keep pretending,” he is leaving? Why not just say you have transferred back? For the lunch crew the pretend goodbyes are the most confusing. He has boxed himself in by saying he was just there for a party. It would not make a difference to anyone in Wisconsin if Ben transferred back to that city. Sometimes you have to wonder why the writers complicate even their diabolical story-lines.
In conclusion
How do you feel about this story-line and Stitches behavior since he came back to Genoa City? Comment below and it will be approved within 24 hours.
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