The Daily Banner has a Young and Restless Killer Prediction. It would be a real shame if the writers don’t do this because it would make for one doozy of a story-line.
Are you ready to read this?
What if NOBODY IS DEAD? There is no cabin killer because Austin faked his death and is filming this entire scenario as it unfolds as a FIRST Reality Show WHO DONE IT? What if that is what Courtney stumbled upon and she has faked her death and gone undercover for it. What if the movie will expose the length that everyone will go to and how many rules, regulations and laws will be broken in GC so the rich get what they want when they want it and it doesn’t matter who goes down in the process? What if it exposes the Newman’s the Abbotts and the entire GCPD?
Wouldn’t that be the ultimate documentary and story-line? Wouldn’t that make Austin the most famous not only movie director but producer in the world?
The lunch crew predicts that at least one of them and maybe both are NOT DEAD. The viewers know that Sharon didn’t kill anybody. She is a Looney Tunes but she is not a homicidal Looney tune.
How worlds would blow up if Austin came back. Courtney would have some explaining to do but it would be a nice surprise for her to be back but Austin’s return would ROCK GC.
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The Daily Banner would like to know what you thought about a storyline like this happening. Please share your thoughts right here at The Daily Banner with other TDB readers. The crew at The Daily Banner might just talk about some of your responses in the lunch room.
You’re thoughts and opinions may just start a food fight. It’s been known to happen.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
Disclaimer: Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.
I think your idea is brilliant, and the show should hire you. Unfortunately, I don’t give head writer Chuck Pratt credit for even being as smart as a pigeon, so it would really surprise me if this is what’s happening!
lso saw this episode of Touched by and Angelwhere there were a group of homeless children. There was a brief time in my life when I was homeless. I wasn’t completely homeless because I made sure to have some kind of roof over my head. I don’t remember the exact reason why I left home. I could have been on a noble, self discovery quest or stunt. I have always been provided for. it could have been that I saw people around me taking advantage of the.