This is a Young and Restless spoiler so do not read it if you don’t want to know what happens!
Okay Young and Restless spoiler viewers that just can’t wait to know what is going to happen before it happens.
The Show starts off with Yack, Kyle and Phyllis having dinner at the A-Club. Summer comes in and is all well you know Summer!! She leaves and takes her pouty self with her.
Next they switch off to Jack and Kelly. We are to believe that Kelly has left Jack alone with no food and water for 2 days. I say this because Jack says to Kelly, “Kelly it has been 2 days.” One might have to ask the question, is Jack soiling himself?
Michael looks exhausted and Sharon tells him to take a break. Noah comes in and shares with Sharon the fact that there is more evidence proving that Sharon is innocent or at least is being framed.
In the meantime, Faith/Nick/Kevin/Mariah are at the newly rebuilt Underground. Faith is all sweet and happy until Sage enters. Then the little horns pop past Faiths blonde locks and the disrespectful little devil in her takes over. The Lunch Crew actually likes Faith and cheers her on as she is rude to the not so wholesome Sage.
Kelly gives Jack a sip of water, he chokes. She tries to feed him grapes and he spits them out saying he is not going to let her control him.
Phyllis wants to talk to Yack about the Underground collapse. He can’t talk about it because he wasn’t there so he tries to change the subject. Victor comes in and saves his sorry butt and changes the subject.
Kelly is starving Jack and he might even be suffering from dehydration. She tells him she wants him to write her a love letter.
Abby and Stitch are having a conversation of their own. Stitch says he is not such a nice guy and sites all his indiscretions. Abby tells him, you’re right, you’re not a nice guys, “You’re a straight up man hoar.”
Kevin interrupts a conversation Nick is having with Sage asking him if he’s heard the current news about Sharon? Nick says, “So Sharon really could be innocent?” Does that man really think this woman is a stone cold killer? Seriously?
Phyllis goes and finds Summer and offers to buy her the most expensive dress if she comes to the reopening of the Underground. Summer declines.
Kelly reads the letter Jack wrote which was obviously a love letter to Phyllis. Kelly thinks it’s for her and goes in to kiss him and Jack stabs her with the pen in what looks like her neck. There was a lot of blood.

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Kelly is dying from blood loss and passes out. Jack gets a hold of her pocketbook and cell phone. He tries to call Kyle and Yack answers the phone because he and Kyle are out joy riding in the Ferrari.
Sharon gets Michael to take a nap and sneaks out to Nick’s club.
Sage offers to quit and Nick asks her to wait for him. She says she is not going anywhere.
The Party starts at the Underground. Abby and Mariah are verbally fighting. Victor walks in and says no fighting. Mariah asks Abby is she wants a “Screwdriver.” The delivery of the line was great. Mariah has great timing on those one liners.
Michael wakes up from his nap and no Sharon. The next scene is Sharon walks into the club dressed all in black like a Vixen.

Jack and Yack start arguing on the phone and Kyle starts asking who his father is talking too. He takes his eyes off the road and Jack hears his son and the imposter crash the car.
This is a powerful episode chocked full of action.
The Daily Banner would like to know what you think about all of this? Please share your thoughts right here at The Daily Banner with other TDB readers. The crew at The Daily Banner might just talk about some of your responses in the lunch room.
You’re thoughts and opinions may just start a food fight. It’s been known to happen.
I want to say thank you to the people that are reading my articles. I will keep writing as long as you keep reading. We are not always going to agree but I do hope that you enjoy most of what I write and I write to share with you.
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
Disclaimer: Everything I write in this blog is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this blog hosting site.
Jack may have been trying to get help but it won’t come from Yak. Suppose Yak dies too! Who will squeal on the Stache??? Kelly looks like she is in need of a doctor so maybe Victor’s dynamic duo may be squashed in the storyline and he will walk free of any consequences! !!! So far these are the only involved parties that know of the plot
Every show could be this good. ..I have my husband hooked. We tape it and watch it when we get off work. We can’t wait to watch it. The weekend is hard when it’s not on.
911 Dummy Jack!!!!
love your stuff. thank you for all the updates