This is a Young and Restless Wednesday spoiler for next week. Don’t read it if you don’t want to know what happens!
Kevin has done some investigating with Marissa as his main target. They tell Noah their suspicions and Noah tells them that he knows all about Marissa’s past. They then tell him that Marissa didn’t just know Marco that Marco was her ex-boyfriend so Noah realizes that Marissa lied to him. She ends up telling him the truth by shows end and when Noah says to her, “end of story,” Marissa says to him, “not quite.”
Marissa and Victor face off. She ends up telling him that she is an orphan and he feels for her. She also tells him the whole story about how Jack blew up the ship and that it was Jack he shot and not Marco. He gets a call from Stitch so he tells her he must go but they will talk again.
Jack goes into distress and Stitch is left to care for him. He opens his eyes when he is alone with Stitch. He tells Stitch that he is afraid for his whole family and he gets Stitch to call Victor for him.
Abby, Kyle and Summer are together in Abby’s hospital room. Kyle and Abby have words and Summer gets them to knock it off.
Phyllis goes to see Summer and she tells her that Avery is gone. They have a very nice mother daughter talk.
Victor arrives at the hospital to see Jack and runs into Kyle outside of Jack’s hospital room. Stitch gets rid of Kyle so Victor can get in the room. Boy, Stitch is all up in everyone’s business these days. Anyhow, Victor gets in the room and says to what looks like a comatose Jack, “was the girl telling the truth, are you really Jack?” Jack opens his eyes and says, “You bet your ass it is.”
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Writer Donna Nolan-Wilson has spent over 40 years observing and enjoying soaps. Like me on Facebook
Disclaimer: Everything I write in this publication is my feelings and opinions and not that of the soap, the sponsors or this publication.
I really enjoy reading your spoilers,thank you for taking time to write them.
I want to thank you for writing these articals I enjoy them very much.i will always read them thank you